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IFAP attended the 49th Annual Conference of the ...
IFAP and IASA will work together to address this urgent information preservation need." Sound and audiovisual archive collections are important bridges to the past as it serves as custodian to linguistic and musical resources that need to be preserved and require expertise and methodological know-how in managing these fragile collections.
Magnetic Tape Alert Project supported by IFAP
UNESCO's Information for All Programme (IFAP) Working Group on Information Preservation launches an initiative to alert on the risk of losing access to audiovisual documents. Today’s knowledge of the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity is widely based on magnetic tape recordings produced over the past 60 years.
The Information for All-Programme (IFAP) of UNESCO
IFAP also promotes smaller events like the World Day for Audiovisual Archives (27 October), but also meetings and conferences in the fields of its competence. In order to support knowledge and awareness of key areas in its mandate, so-called Thematic Days are arranged at IFAP Bureau Meetings. These events convene Bureau
Announcing the Magnetic Tape Alert Project | …
With the Magnetic Tape Alert Project, the Information for All Programme (IFAP) of UNESCO, in cooperation with IASA, the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, intends to alert stakeholders of the imminent threat of …
Dietrich Schüller, IFAP Vice-President and Audiovisual Archive Specialist Dietrich contrasts the storage media of the digital world with the carriers of the analogue world. Our ancestors did not need to do anything special to preserve papyrus- or parchment- based content, which have preserved themselves for millennia. To a certain extent the same
Magnetic Tape Alert Project report
5 1.2 Who are UNESCO, IFAP and IASA? The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) is a professional association concerned with the care, access and long-term preservation of the world’s sound
Information for All IFAP Programme
IFAP Projects 84: Planning Post-Tsunami Reconstruction of Libraries and Archives 85: Safeguarding Audiovisual Archives in Afghanistan 89: Preservation as a Means of Protecting Caribbean Cultural Heritage 92 Measuring the Information Society 95 Experts Speaking 98: Setting the Frame: IFAP Thematic Debate 99
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