We have collected the most relevant information on Imovie 08 Audio Ducking. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
New iMovie Audio Ducking - Apple Community
How To Reduce The Audio Of A Background Music Track Under A Single Video Clip (also known as "Ducking") In iMovie 10.0 (You use this when you want the music to swell for graphics and fade down a little when someone's talking.) 1. Drag the music clip you want into place on the project timeline, so it's under the "talking" video clip.
Audio "ducking" in iMovie on Vimeo
Adjust audio in iMovie on iPhone - Apple Support
Ducking & Editing Your Sound in iMovie - YouTube
How to extract and fade audio clips using Apple’s iMovie ’08
iMovie ’08 threw long-time users of iMovie’s previous versions for a loop, making it difficult to figure out how to work with audio in the redesigned video editing app. At first glance, it may seem like a ton of features were dropped from …
iMovie 10 - How to Duck Audio - YouTube
iMovie multi-track edit - Apple Community
You can select the Voiceover track and open the Inspector to the Audio tab. Select the Ducking Feature. Set the percentage to diminish all other tracks except the selected track. ... There are new audio features in iMovie 11 that are not covered in the iMovie 08 Tutorial. You can see an overview here under "All New Audio Editing".
audio - How can I disable ducking for all voice-overs in ...
I know how to set the ducking for individual voice-over clips, but this takes about six extra mouse-clicks for each voice-over and is a royal PITA. Is there a hidden preference somewhere or another way in iMovie to default voice-overs to not duck other audio?
iMovie '09 Audio Ducking Bug? on Vimeo
iMovie '08 vs. iMovie HD for this particular project ...
If you are concerned about precise audio ducking (level control of the audio) then iMovie '06 would be a better choice. Otherwise, iMovie '08 seems IDEAL for what you are doing, and would make short work of it, very easily. It provides the ability to control the audio as well, but if you don't like the choices it makes, it is a bit more ...
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