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iMovie - John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Correct and enhance audio in iMovie on Mac - Apple …
In the iMovie app on your Mac, select one or more audio clips (or video clips with audio) in the timeline. To show the noise reduction controls, click the Noise Reduction and Equalizer button. Select the “Reduce background noise” checkbox. Drag the slider right to increase the amount of background noise reduction, or left to decrease it.
iMovie O9 - Audio Cleanup - Mac-Forums
iMovie O9 - Audio Cleanup & Noise Reduction - Help! Hi, Im working on an iMovie 09 project that has some rather bad background buzzing on some of the Audio. Has anybody found the audio cleaning and noise reduction options that were available in iMovie HD? At the moment I have no idea how to clean the audio.
How to Reduce Background Noise on iMovie – Student ...
In your timeline highlight the clip that you would like to adjust. In the toolbars menu select the noise reduction and equalizer option. Once you have selected this you can choose the “reduce background noise” option. You can reduce background noise up to 100%.
How to Mute Video/Audio/Background Noise in iMovie - …
Select the Reduce background noise option from the equalizer menu. Tick the box before Reduce background noise and slide the noise reduction bar to reduce the background noise. You could slide it up to 100%. Preview your clip to listen and make further adjustments if necessary. Click Reset to save your file when satisfied.
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