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Solve iMovie No Sound Problem
How to Solve iMovie No Sound Problem When Play, …
1. Make sure the audio track has not been muted in the timeline. 2. See if the volume in iMovie is set to its lowest, if this is the case, set the volume slider to maximum. 3. Make sure the computer's audio is not muted. 4. Quit and reopen iMovie, then check the clip to see if it now plays with audio. 5. Quit and reopen iMovie, then reimport the footage.
If you can't hear sound in your iMovie for Mac project ...
In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder, type ~/Library/QuickTime/ into the text box, then click Go. Drag any third-party plug-ins to your Desktop. If this folder doesn't exist, there are no plug-ins installed in this folder. Reimport the original media into your project—from your Mac, from a file-based camera, or from your iOS device.
[Solved] Why No Audio When Importing MP4 to iMovie?
Audio won't import with video in iMovie 11 - Apple Community
5. After import to iTunes is done, reveal files in iTunes. 6. to clean up, remove the imported clips without audio from iMovie. 7. Import the clips from (5) to iMovie. 8. remove the files from iTunes. It consumes time, but works for me. I found no reduction of quality. Best regards. Ruppi. PS: I have iMovie 10.0.2 on Maverick 10.9.1. Message ...
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