We have collected the most relevant information on International Audiotex Regulators Network. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
WARNING! Watch for text messages scam saying “you’ve got a ...
Welcome to the International Audiotex Regulators Network (IARN) Formed in 1995, IARN is the International Audiotex Regulators Network. Its main objectives are to encourage exchanges of information and to provide general knowledge of the regulation of the audiotex industry and the way regulation is approached in the member countries.
EARN - European Audiotex Regulators Network | …
EARN stands for European Audiotex Regulators Network. Suggest new definition. This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers; Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Business, finance, etc.
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Formed in 1995, IARN is the International Audiotex Regulators Network. Its main objectives are to encourage exchanges of information and to provide general knowledge of the regulation of the audiotex industry and the way regulation is approached in the member countries. It has a rotating Chair and meets twice a year.
Audiotex - definition of audiotex by The Free Dictionary
Because of fears that the scamsters may have been operating internationally, the case is being raised with the watchdog International Audiotex Regulatory Network (IARN). PARCEL SCAM, CARD ALERT; Householders fooled into paying thousands
Linkit - Digital Forum Finland ry - MAPEL
IARN (The International Audiotex Regulators Network) on kansainvälinen järjestö, jonka jäsenkunta muodostuu maksullisten puhelinpalveluiden tuottamista valvovista kansallisista organisaatioista. MAPEL on IARNin jäsen. Viestintävirasto on sähköisen viestinnän ja tietoyhteiskuntapalvelujen yleinen hallintoviranomainen.
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