We have collected the most relevant information on Internet Explorer 8 Html5 Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
HTML 5 Audio to play MP3 in Internet Explorer 8,9,10
var url = "/MyServer/services/rest/notifications/sounds/"+soundId+"/"+soundFormat; var snd = new Audio (url); snd.addEventListener ('ended', function () { if (this.debug) { console.info ("Sound ended"); } that.playingSound = false; }); if (this.debug) { console.info ("Requesting sound to start url:"+url); } that.playingSound = true; snd.play ();
javascript - HTML5 Audio not working in ie7 or ie8 - Stack ...
The trick is to use audio tag for HTML5 compatible browsers and embed tag for older IE ones. Create two elements in your HTML page: <audio id="audiotag" src="images/beep-03.wav" preload="auto"></audio> <embed id="audiotagII" src='images/beep-03.wav' autostart='false' loop='false' width='2' height='0'></embed>
how to install html5 audio - Microsoft Community
Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions, do not support the <audio> element. In addition, AFAIK, Firefox does not --yet -- support mp3 playback using the HTML5 <audio> tag, most likely due to patent licensing issues (it's supposed to be coming). As of May 8, 2012:
html audio tag | html audio autoplay - codewithrandom
html audio tag / Basic Syntax: <audio src="URL" />. The src embeds the specific audio file into the page, it takes the file location as its value. By default, the audio element does not show any controls to the audio element. Therefore the …
Now you know Internet Explorer 8 Html5 Audio
Now that you know Internet Explorer 8 Html5 Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.