We have collected the most relevant information on Intrepid Pulseaudio No Sound. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
pulseaudio - No sound - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Ask Ubuntu
Pulseaudio does not start after the last software update. No sound and no readings in the sound setting. You can restart pulseaudio until the next system boot: pulseaudio --start I searched the descriptions for the pulseaudio setting. And in the file: /etc/pulse/client.conf I deleted (as root) in the line below semicolon(;):; autospawn = yes
How to quick fix the "no sound" issue in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10
Happily, after some 10min web-digging I found an workarround, so here is the quick solution: sudo killall pulseaudio. sudo gzip /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio. sudo alsa force-reload. and them go to System>Preferences>Sound and change everything to ALSA: gnome-sound-properties. Q.:
PulseAudio has no sound, only has Dummy Output - Ask …
To modify the configuration file. sudo gedit /etc/asound.conf. The above command will also open the file. Of course, add the following lines with your card and device number replacements. defaults.pcm.card 1 defaults.pcm.device 0. Save the file and restart your computer, and you will hear the sound.
[SOLVED] Pulseaudio.. no sound in speakers but yes in ...
There is no sound in speakers but when I use headphone the sound is there. I tried everithing but nothing works, until I tried again with Ubuntu in a USB (to prove that the speakers are not damaged) and got sound in speakers. ... Pulseaudio.. no sound in speakers but yes in headphone. Verbose output of pulseaudio? pulseaudio --kill pulseaudio ...
No Sound in Wine - disable / remove pulseaudio - WineHQ Forums
This also true about pulse-audio - it is not fully compatible with Wine. If you using new distro (Fedora 8, Ubuntu 8.04, SuSE 11) and do not have sound you should: 1. Report problem to your distro support 2. Disable or even remove pulse-audio
Simple guide to Sound Solutions for Hardy,Intrepid and ...
Go to Applications/Sound and Video and select Pulse Audio Device Chooser. This will put a little icon on the panel near the Panel Volume Control. Click on the new icon and choose Volume Control. This will open the Pulse Audio Volume Control. Go to Output Devices and see if your sound card is there, it will be listed as ALSA PCM on front:...
[SOLVED] Multiple Sound Solution (ALSA w Pulseaudio ...
Pulseaudio is the sound server for Ubuntu Hardy and Intrepid and the new Jaunty. It will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. This guide is geared towards first getting your sound hardware working and then getting Pulseaudio set up properly. If you are using KDE4/Kubuntu Intrepid Phonon is replacing aRts as the sound server.
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