We have collected the most relevant information on Ios Core Audio Fft. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
core audio - iOS FFT Draw spectrum - Stack Overflow
SInt16 rawValue = fft[0]; // let's say this comes back as 12990 float scaledValue = rawValue/32767.; // This is MAX_INT for 16-bit; // dividing we get .396435438 which is much easier for most people // to see conceptually as 39% of our max possible value float displayValue = log2(scaledValue); my_fft[0] = displayValue;
FFT on the App Store
Description. FFT is a high-resolution audio analysis tool for the iPhone and iPod touch. It uses the Fast Fourier Transform to analyze incoming audio, and displays a very detailed graph of amplitude vs. frequency. Use this app with the built-in iOS device microphone, or upgrade to our iAudioInterface2 or iTestMic for a complete professional solution.
Audio Spectrum on the App Store
4.8 • 23 Ratings. $0.99. Screenshots. iPhone. iPad. Description. Audio Spectrum is a real-time FFT spectrum analyzer. It gives you a visual representation of an acoustic signal. It can be used to measure the frequency response of audio equipment or to analyze different sounds (e.g. sounds of musical instruments).
AudioTools - dB, Sound & Audio on the App Store
AudioTools from Studio Six Digital is a suite of professional-grade audio and acoustic analysis apps. Included in the price of this app is a great collection of professional tools -- SPL, RTA, FFT, Speaker Polarity Test, Generator, Audio Scope, CLF Viewer, and Recorder, and the framework to add more powerful modules as you need them.
Audio Analyzer on the App Store
Audio Analyzer is a real-time spectrum, spectrogram, oscilloscope and octave RTA analyzer. It gives you a visual representation of an acoustic signal. It can be used to analyze the sounds of musical instruments, to identify spoken words phonetically, …
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