We have collected the most relevant information on Iphone Audio Streaming Sample Code. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
ios - Live streaming audio from iPhone - Stack Overflow
I would like to stream audio from my iPhone to a remote server but I don't really know what is my best bet. I tried here a code for sending small chunks but I have some some audio gaps between chunks. So I think about FFmpeg or …
ios - Looking for simple code to play streaming audio by ...
I looking for sample code for iOS (I guess, using AVMediaPlayer or AVPlayer) to play streaming audio, from URL (our current server URL is http://server.local:8008 ...
Using Audio - Apple Developer
For sample code, see the Reachability sample in the iOS Dev Center. To connect to a network stream, use interfaces from Core Foundation, such as the one described in CFHTTPMessage Reference. Parse the network packets to recover audio packets using Audio File Stream Services. Then buffer the audio packets and send them to a playback audio queue …
Playing Sounds with the Web Audio API - Apple Developer
Download Sample Code; Next Previous. Playing Sounds with the Web Audio API. Note: The Web Audio API is available on Safari 6 and later, and Safari on iOS 6 and later. In Audio and Video HTML, you learned how to stream audio using the <audio> HTML5 element.
How to Get the Highest Sound Quality from Apple ... - …
Apple Music uses the AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format encoded at 256 Kbps, with a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, which sounds as awesome as the near-CD quality. But if you are listening to music under different network connections, you will get different sound quality correspondently.
Streaming Audio with iPhone SDK | MacRumors Forums
Apple's iPhone OS Programming Guide has a broken link to an "AudioFileStream" sample project. Does anybody know where I can get that sample code? I don't see it listed in the projects on Apple's sample code page. Or does anybody have pointers to other good sample code for playing streamed audio content using the iPhone SDK? The dead link is:
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