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IRB - Bard College
Institutional Review Board. Most anthropology senior projects involve ethnographic research (including observation, participant observation, interviews, group discussions, audio-visual records, etc.) and require IRB approval. The online application and information are available at the Bard IRB website. For anthropology-specific instructions ...
Project Guidelines - Bard College
interviewees consent to video or audio recording of the interview; ... Bard's Institutional Review board is made up of faculty from the College plus administrative and community representatives.Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions about the IRB process. If you have questions about your proposal, contact the IRB chair.
Institutional Review Board at Bard College
Contact the IRB. Bard's Institutional Review board is made up of faculty from the College plus administrative and community representatives.Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions about the IRB process. If you have questions about your …
I R B G u i d e l i n e s f o r A n t h r o ... - Bard College
observation, participant observation, interviews, group discussions, audio-visual records, etc.) and require IRB approval. If you aren’t sure whether this applies to your project, talk to your adviser or consult the Bard IRB website and the Participant Training Course. If IRB approval is required, you must have it before beginning research.
Meeting Minutes - About the IRB
2020 July Minutes. 2020 June Minutes. 2020 June Minutes (Special Board Meeting) 2020 May Minutes. 2020 April Minutes. 2020 January Minutes. 2019 November Minutes. 2019 October Minutes. 2019 September Minutes.
IRB Policies, Forms, Templates, and Samples ...
IRB Policies, Forms, Templates, and Samples. These files may be useful to you if you are submitting a proposal to the IRB or developing written material for your project. Unless otherwise indicated, all files are Microsoft Word documents (.docx). Consent form template for in-person data collection (experimental, surveys) ·· Download here.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office - Northwestern ...
The mission of the Northwestern Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. The protection of research participants at Northwestern University is a shared responsibility, with the institution, researchers, IRB committees, and the IRB Office working together toward this common goal.
Institutional Review Board - Vassar College
The Vassar College Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for ensuring that research involving human participants is conducted ethically and in accordance with the appropriate federal regulations. Vassar College is committed to protecting the rights, welfare, and privacy of individuals participating as subjects in research.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) | NIH - HIV.gov
An independent committee of medical, scientific, and non-scientific members established to review, approve, and monitor research involving human participants. An institutional review board (IRB) protects the rights and welfare of human participants by assuring that a clinical trial is well designed, does not involve undue risks, and includes safeguards for participants.
Title: IRB Guidelines for Anthropology Students
A note of thanks to Bard College for sharing content. Date of Last Revision: 02/09/2016. Audience: Anthropology Students / Ethnographic Researchers. Most anthropology protocols involve ethnographic research (including observation, participant observation, interviews, group discussions, audio-visual records, etc.) and require IRB approval.
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