We have collected the most relevant information on Ird Audio Purist. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Amp/Preamp Asylum: REVIEW: IRD audio Purist - model LLC-P ...

    IRD LLC-P (Purist) Preamp(Rev. 1.01) My system: Stan Warren Modded Phillips SACD-1000 IRD Purist Preamp Acoustic Reality Ear One Mk11 Monoblocks Monitor Audio Speakers R452/MD Straight Wire Chorus Interconnects Groneberg Quattro Reference Interconnects Straight Wire Octave 2 Speaker Cable . This is a review of the IRD Purist Preamp.

IRD Purist Preamp - audioresurgence.com

    IRD Purist Preamp. Preamps / Integrateds. I brought the Purist to a listening session with some fellow music lovers whom I had never met before. After enjoying the hosts system for the first few hours we switched out the Klyne Audio Arts 7LX – 3.5b pre-amp for the Purist. The first thing we noticed, and I noticed this with my system also, was ...

Amp/Preamp Asylum: REVIEW: IRD audio Purist - model LLC-P ...

    Audio Asylum - Amp/Preamp Asylum: REVIEW: IRD audio Purist - model LLC-P Preamplifier (SS) by beat - Looking for a new Amp or Preamp? If you're after tubes, post over here .

IRD Purist Preamplifier info needed - the audio and hifi ...

    I've used IRD Purist in past, and while a very good sounding preamp, especially after some tube rolling, it still takes away from transparency of the signal. What I would do is sell the IRD Purist and 2Qute and buy a used Chord Qutest DAC (which I love), which will be a significant step up from 2Qute while also offering variable output settings ...

Audio Asylum Reviews

    IRD audio. Purist - model LLC-P - Read Reviews: [ [email protected]] [ beat] Jeff Rowland. Capri - Read Reviews: [ Luminator] Coherence II - Read Reviews: [ Stitch] Consonance - Read Reviews: [ cktc] Kenwood. Basic C1. Krell. KAV-280p - Read Reviews: [ readargos] KRC-2 - Read Reviews: [ Luminator] KRC-3 - Read Reviews: [ Bob W] Luminous Audio ...

Marchand Electronics EC626 Power Amplifier - TNT-Audio

    Using the +6dB and +9.5dB gain settings of the IRD Purist resulted in a similarly analytical sound. However, when using the zero-gain setting of the Purist, no detail was lost, but the sound was more musical and less analytical. As an experiment, the preamp-out plugs of a vintage, Marantz 2245 receiver were used to control the Marchand amplifiers.

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