We have collected the most relevant information on Itunes Redownload Purchased Audiobook. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Re-download books and audiobooks – Apple Support
Redownload books and audiobooks - Apple Support
Choose Audiobooks from the menu of the iTunes window. Find the audiobook that you want to redownload. If you use Family Sharing, you can choose a family member's name next to Purchased to see their purchases. Click the Download button for the audiobook. Don't see the item that you purchased?
how do i re-download audiobooks - Apple Community
Then your audiobooks should still be in your iTunes library; in the Finder you will find them in the folder path to your iTunes Library /iTunes/iTunes Music/Audiobooks/. or in a backup of your iTunes library. I had this problem and this is how I re-downloaded them. I contacted apple support via chat https://expresslane.apple.com ...
Redownload music - Apple Support
Open the iTunes Store app. On your iPhone or iPod touch: At the bottom of your screen, tap More , then tap Purchased. On your iPad: Tap Purchased. Tap Music. If you use Family Sharing, tap a family member’s name to see music that they purchased. Find the music that you want to redownload, then tap it. Tap the download button next to a song or album.
iTunes: How to Download Previously Purchased Music, Movies ...
On the right menu, click the “Purchased” link. If prompted, type your Apple ID and Password, then select “Sign In“. Select the type of item you wish to download at the top-right part of the window. Choose “Music“, “Movies“, “TV Shows” or “Audiobooks“. You can also choose to view “All” or items “Not in My Library”.
Now you know Itunes Redownload Purchased Audiobook
Now that you know Itunes Redownload Purchased Audiobook, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.