We have collected the most relevant information on Jack Audio Limits.Conf. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
JACK Audio Connection Kit - Fedora Project Wiki
How do I configure my linux system to allow JACK to use ...
You need to carry out 3 steps to be able to run JACK with RT scheduling. In what follows, several references are made to the “audio” group. If this group name already exists, pick a different name and use it instead of “audio” when following the rest of these instructions. The actual name of the group is completely irrelevant. 1.
FS#46058 : [jack] [jack2] limits set too high in 99audio.conf
First, limits.conf contains rules giving members of group audio possibility to use some realtime priorities, high nice levels and to do memlocking. But, jackd2 (not sure about jackd) installs it's own limit file that gives the unlimited memlock permissions and unlimited realtime priority range.
Don’t Edit /etc/security/limits.conf | RadioTed
There are a number of sites that say to edit /etc/security/limits.conf. The Cadence package from the KXStudio repository automatically makes the entries for Jack in. /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf and establishes the proper settings on installation. The package automatically sets up Jack2 except for choosing the soundcard, sample rate, buffer size, etc …
FS#26343 : [jack] automatically change security limits for ...
1. Editing the configuration file If your system has no directory called /etc/security/limits.d then you will need to edit /etc/security/limits.conf. If /etc/security/limits.d does exist on your machine, then you will need to create and edit a file called /etc/security/limits.d/99-realtime.conf.
Now you know Jack Audio Limits.Conf
Now that you know Jack Audio Limits.Conf, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.