We have collected the most relevant information on Jantzen Audio Silver Z Cap. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Silver Z-Cap - Jantzen-audio.com
Silver Z-Cap. Our Silver Z-Cap Capacitors is a super smooth capacitor without any harsh additions to the sound, bringing forth an absolutely neutral tonal balance. Highly recommended for use as a high-end tweeter capacitor or as a coupling cap in an amplifier. All Jantzen Audio Z-Caps are nitrogen filled, which means that you get more foil per capacitor and no risk of the …
Jantzen Audio Silver Z Capacitor - Parts ConneXion
Jantzen Audio Silver Z Capacitor. The Jantzen Audio Silver-Z Cap offers yet another layer of luxury and performance compared to the Superior -Zap. Jantzen Silver Z-Cap, 0.10µF 1200VDC. USD $18.35 USD $18.35 (0%) Unit of Measure: Each. SKU#: JANTZEN-84242.
SILVER Z-CAP - jantzen-audio.com
PRODUCT FEATURE. The Silver-Z Cap offers extremely high performance, but still at a reasonable price point. Highly recommended for tweeters and mid-range application for high-end passive speakers and as coupling capacitors in tube and power amplifiers. The Silver Z-Cap is a metalized polypropylene foil capacitor but made as special construction we call a “Super Cap”.
Jantzen Silver Z-Cap, 2.70µF 800VDC
Silver Z-Cap, 2.70µF 800VDC, 2% Tolerance, MKP. The Jantzen Audio Silver Z-cap range of polypropylene caps are a step up from the Superior range with pure silver leadouts that offer a super smooth sound, and neutral tonal balance without coloration. The sound signature is amazingly detailed with a realistic soundstage.
Jantzen Audio SILVER Z-cap - diyparadiso.com
Jantzen Audio SILVER Z-cap . Jantzen Audio Silver Capacitors are an axial type made from metallized polypropylene, specifically manufactured for audio purposes with no need for pre-aging. SILVER Z-CAP IS THE MOST DETAILED AND . SMOOTH SOUNDING CAPACITOR ON THE MARKET. Our Z-cap Silver has a special inner structure for improved listening experience.
Reviews by Audio Experts - Jantzen-audio.com
Silver Gold Z-cap: After an extended burn-in period the silver/gold caps became nice sounding. After the burn-in period the sound became smoother than the Silver Z-cap, with a good resolution. This makes the Silver Gold Z-cap very good for customers using over-brilliant audio chains. Franck Tchang / France: www.francktchang.com
Mundorf Supreme cap vs. Jantzen Audio Silver - Z cap ...
Mundorf Supreme cap vs. Jantzen Audio Silver - Z cap. Thread starter andy2; Start date 2018-05-25 3:54 pm; A. andy2 Member. 2004-11-17 4:46 pm. 2018-05-25 3:54 pm #1 2018-05-25 3:54 pm #1 The holy grail of audio is more details. Different components go about their own ways differently but we can generalize them in two basic ways - one good way ...
Jantzen Audio Silver Z-Cap Capacitors - Fidelity ...
Price. 0 € - 75 €. Jantzen Audio Silver Z-Cap. Silver Cap Super smooth cap without any harsh additions to the sound.Absolutely neutral tonal balance – A truly outstanding audio part.Product Description:Our Silver Z-Cap Capasitors are an axial type made of metallized polypropylene, especially manufactured for audio purposes.The materials we use, were chosen for the best …
Capacitor Test - Humble Homemade Hifi - Cap Test
Objectively speaking they are better than the Superior Z-Cap but I prefer the Superior Z-Cap for it is more neutral presentation. I guess you could call the Jantzen Audio Silver Z-Cap the "audiophile" capacitor and the Jantzen Audio Superior Z-Cap the "musical" capacitor. Verdict: 11-Jantzen Audio Silver Gold Z-Cap 250VDC - 2% tolerance
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