We have collected the most relevant information on Jcaptcha Audio Example. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Implements JCaptcha Sound - JCaptcha - Confluence
Copy FreeTTS libs in your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext; Look at the following sample : http://jcaptcha.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jcaptcha/trunk/samples/simple-servlet-sound ...
scribble: Work with sound jCaptcha in servlet, Part 1 ...
I have been working on jCaptcha recently. In addition to image captcha, I need to implement sound/audio captcha for 508 compliance. jCaptcha has an example here.However, I ran into two problems with the example.
java - How to implement sound captcha using jcaptcha ...
I started using jcaptcha library to implement a simple image based captcha for my project and it went well, working fine. But now I want to integrated sound captcha functionality also along with image captcha. Please give me a walk through of how I can implement it using jcaptcha library in Java. Here is code snippet I worked on :
scribble: Work with sound jCaptcha in servlet, Part 2 ...
In retrospect, it was still a mystery why I had to customize Voice.java to make FreeTTS work sound jCaptcha in servlet. In addition, I was not a big fan that there is no out-of-box support for image and sound captcha to use the same characters. But I was happy that I managed to get jCaptcha work to meet the requirements.
JCaptcha - Extension Audio FreeTTS
Last Published: 02 Sep 2009 | Version: 2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT OCTO Technology. Overview. Introduction; Download; Wiki Documentation; Issue tracker
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