We have collected the most relevant information on Jens Burmeister Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Jens Burmeister's (@burmeister_audio.de) Instagram …
163 Followers, 270 Following, 13 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jens Burmeister (@burmeister_audio.de)
Kieninger 3D Klangwelten - Audiosysteme
Hersteller und Entwickler. Jens Burmeister stieß 1996 auf eine ihm bis dahin unbekannte Umsetzung der Schallausbreitung: omnidirektionale Schallwandler (i.F. rundumabstrahlende Systeme). Voller Begeisterung über seine Entdeckung fasste er den Entschluss, dieses für ihn revolutionäre Akustikprinzip technisch voranzutreiben. Die innovativen Lautsprechersysteme …
BAS Burmeister Audio Systems develop high-quality hi-fi speaker systems, as well as systems for professional event technology, and have fitted out numerous health and spa areas, hotel lobbies and suites. The owner Jens Burmeister designed Diva in cooperation with product design students at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
DUETT - Burmeister Audio
BAS Burmeister Audio Systeme | Strelitzer Chaussee 275 | 17235 Neustrelitz | Germanywww.burmeister-audio.de DUETT Geschäftsführer: Jens Burmeister Tel.: +49 172 3868492 | e-mail: [email protected] USt.ID: DE 253161206 | …
HI-MACS introduces Burmeister Audio Systems DivaFurniture ...
BAS Burmeister Audio Systems develop high-quality hi-fi speaker systems, as well as systems for professional event technology. The aim of owner Jens Burmeister to design Diva was to create a work of art that could be integrated in any installation aesthetically and timelessly. Ultimately the production of the extroverted shape became a challenge.
HI-MACS® is also an acoustic highlight: Introducing the ...
BAS Burmeister Audio Systems develop high-quality hi-fi speaker systems, as well as systems for professional event technology, and have fitted out numerous health and spa areas, hotel lobbies and suites. The owner Jens Burmeister designed Diva in cooperation with product design students at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
Burmester – High-end audio components from Germany
Bumester AudioSysteme GmbH is a German manufacturer of high-end audio component founded in 1977 by Dieter Burmester. Burmester offers its products in three product lines and price points: Classic Line, Top Line, and Reference Line. As an extension to the traditional product lines, the Burmester Phase 3 is offered as an all-in-one home music system.
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MP Audio | Audiophile Dienstleistungen
Co-Starring: Jens Burmester. Director: Florian Röske DoP: Kaspar Hornikel Creative Director: Michael Kittel. Executive Producer: Nicklas Krüger Executive Producer: Moritz Hartmann Producer: Leonard Haselhuhn Production Manager: Laura Schickram PA: Leonard Lampert PA: Joshua Metschulat Runner/Driver: Ali Idris Runner/Driver: Till Heitmann
Art For The Ear. - Burmester
Automotive. Burmester 3D High-End Surround Sound-System. The eternal dream of the rolling concert hall is heading into the third dimension: with the Auro-3D® surround sound processing which is held in high esteem at Hollywood movie productions, the Burmester 3D Sound System in the new Porsche Panamera acoustically dissolves the boundaries of the luxury passenger …
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