We have collected the most relevant information on Jl Audio Or Rockford Fosgate. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Rockford Fosgate Vs JL Audio Car Subwoofers | Crystal Stereo
Rockford Fosgate Vs JL Audio Car Subwoofers | Crystal …
Rockford Fosgate and JL Audio are a step above Pioneer and other popular brands in terms of popular subwoofers. It’s never easy to choose between two subs of broadly similar performance. We are not going to try to convince you that one is better than the other, as both brands make excellent car subwoofers, and that is simply too broad a statement to make.
JL Audio vs. Rockford Fosgate Marine Speakers - …
The JL Audio M3 and M6 both come in a classic white, closed-style grille and open-style sport grilles in both white and gunmetal. The sport grilles for the M3 and M6 do look a little bit different, but both are twin, 6 spoke designs. The Rockford Fosgate M1 and M2 speakers come in an open-style, sport grille. They are both available in black or white.
Rockford Fosgate vs JL Audio | Car Audio Forum | CarAudio.com
Rockford Fosgate vs JL Audio Thread starter RF_toyotaGS300; Start date Oct 31, 2012; Forums. Car Audio Discussion. Subwoofers. SHOP CAR AUDIO. 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page. Go. Next Last. R. RF_toyotaGS300 Member. Oct 31, 2012 45 0. Oct 31, 2012 #1 i currently have 2 12' T1 but i was looking at some JL's but what would be similar to a T1 or T2 ...
JL Audio W3 vs Rockford Fosgate P3 Subwoofer
The JL Audio W3 series comes in several different sizes that include 6.5", 8", 10", 12". and 13.5" models. For the Rockford Fosgate P2 series subs, the diameters come in 10", 12" and 15" sizes. With more variation in sizes from the W3 lineup, you'll have a better range of options for multiple sized installations.
JL Audio or Rockford Fosgate? Need help deciding what to ...
If money is not an issue go for the JL Audio. I went with Rockford Fosgate and pretty satisfied. The JL sub will sound way better in my opinion than the RF. I have RF 6x9s front n bk and they r nice n loud. Also hve 10" dual 2ohm P3. Havent really bn …
Jl audio or Rockford fosgate : CarAV
Jl audio or Rockford fosgate. Close. 2. Posted by 2 years ago. Archived. Jl audio or Rockford fosgate. I have 2 of each. Rockford t400-4 or JL 300/4 slash on 4 p3 10s? 28 comments. share. save. hide. report. 75% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: best. level 1
Rockford fosgate power or JL audio : CarAV
Rockford subs and JL lower tier subs are not very good for what you pay. JL upper level speakers (W6 or W7) are great but way overpriced. Most of the value in both of those brands is based on the sticker on the cone. If you are serious about SQ then I would look into SSA Gcon, Image Dynamics IDQ, CSS, SI HST's, Fi, and some others.
Rockford Fosgate and JL Audio Upgrade for 2004 Honda Goldwing
Rockford Fosgate and JL Audio Upgrade for 2004 Honda Goldwing. A client from Manassas recently contacted our Mechanicsville location, looking to upgrade the audio in his 2004 Honda Goldwing. The Goldwing OEM system includes a radio and two speakers, but has very low power and small speakers.
JL Audio M6 vs. Rockford Fosgate M2 Marine Speakers ...
Both the JL Audio M6 and Rockford Fosgate M2 speakers have a unique position when it comes to the RGB LEDs. With the JL Audio M6 7.7" speakers, you don't need to pay for the RGB LEDs if you will never use them. They are available with or without the lights. The Rockford Fosgate M2-8 speakers are only available with the RGB LEDs.
Now you know Jl Audio Or Rockford Fosgate
Now that you know Jl Audio Or Rockford Fosgate, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.