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MTX Thunderform versus JL Stealthbox . Help please ...
JL Audio -Vs- MTX | Car Audio Forum | CarAudio.com
i had a jl 12w6v2 powered by an mtx 81000d(true 1000rms) for over 2 years and it did just fine in the recomended ported box. THE BIRTH SHEET THAT CAME WITH THE AMP SAID 1250 WATTS AT 12.5V. THE MTX SUB MAY GET A LITTLE LOUDER BUT THE W6 WILL EAT IT ALIVE IN THE SQ DEPT.
Mtx vs. jl - ecoustics.com
jl audio is the best. first of all who wants to roll around with rf or mtx. those are cheep companies and id be embarresed to say i had them. sub fanatic your a dumbass for not liking jl and u dont know anything about subs. the w7 are the best sounding. quickest responding, best bass subs out there. i have two 12 inch w7s with 2 100/1 jl amps and they are louder than …
MTX vs. JL - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
from what i heard jl has better sq than mtx whereas mtx is more into spl. so its kinda what ur interested in. for me i would go with jl's since they had never ever let me down. currently i have 3 jl w0's and the bass is quite decent, although i think whats hurting the sound is the amp. im using a pioneer amp bridged to 300 watts rms, but it sounds more like 100 rms. i …
Compare JL Audio CS110-WXv2 vs MTX TNE212D
Comparing JL Audio CS110-WXv2 and MTX TNE212D? Our Virginia-based experts can help you find the best gear. Get FREE 2-day shipping and free lifetime tech support with your order. 12 reasons to shop with us | Crutchfield B2B Free 2-day shipping to Arizona See details. 1 …
mtx vs jl audio - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
We were told that MTX has punchy bass and JL has clear sounding bass with nice low tones. Out of all the systems i have heard running JL's, for example- Lancer sedan running 2x JL 12-w3 dual voice coild subs, basically double one of our subs, a ford TX3 running 2 dual voice coil JL 15" subs.
MTX Thunderform versus JL Stealthbox . Help please ...
The JL stealthbox is expensive fiberglass and the MTX thunderform is particle board. A half way decent amp to power the JL would run at least $200 plus amp kit, roughly $700 for everything. Basically, I know that in stock form the JL stealthbox is better than the MTX option. But with the upgraded speaker and amp option for the thunderform, would this be a better buy …
mtx vs JL audio vs Kicker - LS2
first jl w7's are not dual 6 but are single 3 and the mtx is single 4 which means the jl went at (105v/3ohm=35a) ( 35a * 105v=3675 watts) at 3675 watts the mtx is single 4 ohm wich means it handled (145v/4ohm=36.25a) (36.25a * 145v= 5256.25w) 5256watts and was still going, also this was not just a thermal test but also a test of suspension it just happened that the jl …
jl audio w7 VS. MTX 9500 series
jl audio w7 VS. MTX 9500 series. Home / the12volt's Install Bay / Car Audio / jl audio w7 VS. MTX 9500 series (Topic Closed) Welcome Guest :) Members Search Register Login
Kicker vs MTX | Car Audio Forum | CarAudio.com
Kicker vs MTX. So im pretty new to the whole car audio and don't know much. Right now i just have 2-10" visoniks in my car that i got for free and i want something that will hit harder. My buddy has 2-12" kicker comps (older ones, not the new ones) with the matching amp that he will sell to me for $175. should i go for that or get the MTX ...
JL AUDIO W7 10'' VS MTX 9500 10'' - YouTube
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