We have collected the most relevant information on Joe Pompei Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Joseph Pompei | Coast to Coast AM
Dr. Joseph Pompei is the Founder and President of Holosonics, a company that manufactures a unique loudspeaker device called the Audio Spotlight. Invented by Dr. Pompei while a student at MIT, Audio Spotlight …
Joe Pompei | MIT Technology Review
Joe Pompei founded Watertown, MA-based Holosonics on what many acoustics experts called a crackpot idea: directing sound in a narrow beam. But Pompei says his attitude was, “this is too cool not ...
Dr Joe Pompei explains audio spotlight on Mad Labs ...
Directional Audio has been coined schizophrenic advertising. Note, I have been targeted by psychopaths that call themselves pedophiles and cannibals--They ex...
Overview ‹ Frank Joe J. Pompei — MIT Media Lab
PhD 2002 President and Founder, Holosonics. Joe founded Holosonics to commercialize the Audio Spotlight technology he created as a Media Lab student. (The Audio Spotlight creates beams of sound as narrow as beams of light.) His company has successfully sold thousands of systems to customers all over the world while continuing to develop and evolve the …
Audio Spotlight | Harvard Business Publishing Education
Joe Pompei, a graduate student at the MIT Media Lab, has invented a breakthrough audio invention. The invention is an "Audio Spotlight" that projects a narrow beam of sound in the same way a laser beam projects a narrow beam of light. He must now decide how to commercialize the technology. He has narrowed down the commercial possibilities to four …
TelepathHero: Sound from ultrasound; Joe Pompei's Audio ...
Sound from ultrasound; Joe Pompei's Audio Spotlight, USS Patent 6778672
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