We have collected the most relevant information on Joemeek Audiofanzine. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Joemeek (43 products) - Audiofanzine
List of the products from manufacturer Joemeek. Yes, Audiofanzine is using cookies. Since the last thing that we want is disturbing your diet with too much fat or too much sugar, you'll be glad to learn that we made them ourselves with fresh, organic and fair ingredients, and with a perfect nutritional balance.
Joemeek (43 produits) - Audiofanzine
Joemeek est sur le marché de l'audio professionnel depuis 8 ans et construit des compresseurs, des préamplificateurs de micro, des EQ et d'autres périphériques de traitement audio. La marque garde un esprit vintage au niveau du son sana pour autant tirer un trait sur les avantages des matériels modernes. La série 'Q' propose des tranches de consoles à des prix abordables.
JM37 - Joemeek JM37 - Audiofanzine
JoeMeek JM37 1" large diaphragm condenser mic with a really flat frequency response, cardioid pattern, frequency response: 25Hz-20kHz. Sensitivity: 16mV/Pa -40 +/-2dB (0dB=1V/Pa @1000Hz). Recommended load impedance: 200 Ohms. Dynamic range: 126dB. Requires +48V phantom power. "The JM37 is a high quality, large diaphragm condenser microphone ...
User reviews: Joemeek TwinQ - Audiofanzine
The Joemeek do not like this type of instrument. on the other hand, lgrement rgl it will sound super clear and trspchu trs. On percussion, batteries, it is beautiful. A mix, it is ttonnant of clarity (it increases the impression that amme The definition of the mix).
User reviews: Joemeek MC2 - Audiofanzine
Joemeek MC2. Published on 05/21/09 at 11:40. The Joe Meek MC2 is a stereo optical compressor that is suitable for all sorts of instruments and applications. It has 1/4 inch connections for both channels and is powered by the specific power …
User reviews: Joemeek JM27 - Audiofanzine
The Joemeek JM27 is a small diaphragm condenser microphone that comes from an unlikely source. Mostly known for their signal processing gear, Joemeek has a small line of microphones with the JM27 being on of them. The mic has a cardioid polar pattern pick up and picks up signals ranging from 30 Hz to 20 KHz.
User reviews: Joemeek C2 - Audiofanzine
Users reviews. most recent most useful. moosers. Joemeek C2. Published on 05/19/09 at 18:38. The Joe Meek C2 is an analog stereo compressor that is pretty simple in make up. It has two inputs and two outputs and is not a rackable unit - it is about the size of half of a single rack space unit, although I've never seen it racked before.
C2 - Joemeek C2 - Audiofanzine
Joemeek C2 (1940) Joemeek C2 (22459) Joemeek C2 (18938) Fostex PM0.5-Sub mkII (66166) Joemeek C2 (95576) Joemeek C2 (16921) Joemeek C2 (42063) ... Nous tenons à préciser qu’Audiofanzine n’a pas attendu qu’une loi nous y oblige pour respecter la vie privée de nos membres et visiteurs. Les cookies que nous utilisons ont en commun leur ...
Joemeek VC5 Meekequalizer - Audiofanzine
The Joemeek VC5 Meekequalizer is a three band EQ in the form of an analog piece of gear. It has 1/4 inch connections and is not a rack mountable piece of gear as it takes on its own shape and style.
Joemeek SC2 - Bomb Factory Joemeek SC2 - Audiofanzine
Joemeek SC2, Compresseur logiciel de la marque Bomb Factory. 1 avis d'utilisateur. Présentation du produit . Avis . Comparateur de prix. Petites annonces. Forums. Fiche technique Bomb Factory Joemeek SC2. Fabricant : Bomb Factory; Modèle : Joemeek SC2 ...
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