We have collected the most relevant information on Josemaria Escriva Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio - St. Josemaria Institute
St. Josemaria Escriva: A Pilgrim at Fatima. St Josemaria’s first visit to Fatima was on February 6, 1945, at the request of Sr Lucia, who at that time was living in Tui, Spain. He said that it had been the Blessed Virgin who opened the gates of Portugal to him.
Audio Retreats - St. Josemaria Institute
The spiritual retreats from the St. Josemaria Institute are audio collections of meditations preached by priests of Opus Dei to assist in making a retreat on your own. The retreats are recommended for anyone seeking to spend quiet time in prayer to go deeper in the Gospel, getting to know Jesus Christ, learning to pray, keeping the presence of ...
Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer – Audio Books, Best …
Praying the Holy Rosary with St. Josemaria Escriva; St. Josemaria Institute By: St. Josemaria Escriva Narrated by: Jim Morlino Length: 54 mins Unabridged Overall 0 out of 5 stars 0 Performance 0 out of 5 stars 0 ...
JoseMaria Escriva, Friends of GOD - Audio Enlightenment
JoseMaria Escriva, Friends of GOD. Friends of GOD Complete Audio Available in Members Area Friends of GOD. First published in 1977, this is the first posthumous work of St. Josemaria. Collecting in one volume 18 homilies given between 1941-68, the book seeks to lead the reader to a deeper friendship with the “God who is close to us.” ...
Praying the Holy Rosary with St. Josemaria Escriva: St ...
St. Josemaria Escriva was born in Spain in 1902 and was ordained a priest in 1926. In 1928, he received the divine inspiration to found Opus Dei, a Catholic organization of lay people and priests who try to grow close to God through their ordinary lives. St. Josemaria died in 1975 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2002.
Interior Struggle: A Palm Sunday Homily by St. Josemaria ...
Interior Struggle: A Palm Sunday Homily by St. Josemaria Escriva (With Text and Audio) A homily by Saint Josemaria published in "Christ is Passing By," given on the feast of Palm Sunday, April 4, 1971. A new downloadable audio version of the homily is available.
Josemaría Escrivá | Wikipedia audio article - YouTube
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:Josemaría EscriváListening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language on...
Opus Dei - Saint Josemaría
A 23-minute video by Alberto Michelini with highlights from the canonization of Saint Josemaria Escriva. Opus Dei helps to find Christ in the work, the family and in the rest of the ordinary activities. This free App enables Saint Josemaría’s writings to lead you into the Gospel passage of today’s Mass, every day.
How to pronounce Josemaria Escriva | HowToPronounce.com
1 /5. (1 Vote) Very easy. Easy. Moderate. Difficult. Very difficult. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of Josemaria Escriva with 1 audio pronunciations.
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