We have collected the most relevant information on Kharma Audio Price. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Kharma price list - Audio Federation
Kharma price list - Audio Federation
High end audio by Kharma | Kharma International
During the on-going strive to create the ultimate audio experience, the Kharma brand was established in 1993. A perfect sound representation in a luxurious design with far-reaching attention to detail and technology, build with craftsmanship out of unique materials is what can be expected of Kharma.
Kharma | Shop & Research
Kharma Exquisite Centre Active EXQ-CT-1.0-A - R... $14,800.00. 12 Days Left. miles away. Kharma Elegance S7. $10,750.00. 5 Days Left. miles away. Shop all Kharma.
Kharma Exquisite-Midi Loudspeaker - The Absolute Sound
Kharma Exquisite-Midi speakers? Let’s chat, shall we? Pour yourself a glass of Jenever, Advocaat, or a koffie verkeerd, and grab a handful of Klene Zoete Koopvaarders. We’re diving deep into delectable Dutch treats! This was the easiest and the hardest review I have ever done. Yes, these speakers cost $85,000.
Retail-Pricelist 2019-June 2019 - WERNER
Kharma Enigma Veyron Mono Power Amplifier MP1000 EV-MP1000-1.0 * Pair € 80.000 Kharma Enigma Veyron DSP EV-DSP-2.0 Piece € 9.500 Kharma Enigma Veyron Subwoofer (incl. DSP) EV-SB-DSP-1.0 * Piece € 45.000 Kharma Enigma Veyron Power Distribution Block EV-PB-1.0 * Piece € 25.000 Kharma Enigma Veyron Audio Rack level EV-RK-1.0 * Piece € 15.000
Loudspeakers - Kharma - High end audio by Kharma | …
During the creation of a high-end audio product this is not any different. The Kharma palette consists of more than 30 years of experience, new technological insights and the best selected materials. With this palette Kharma has created several different loudspeaker series …
Kharma Elegance dB9-S Loudspeakers
Kharma Elegance dB9-S Loudspeakers Price: $37,500 USD per pair. Warranty: Five years parts and labor. Kharma International Kalshoven 7 4825 AL Breda, the Netherlands Phone: +31 76-57-150-10 Fax: +31 76-57-147-73. E-mail: info@kharma.com Website: www.kharma.com
Products - Kharma - High end audio by Kharma | Kharma ...
In 2005 Kharma electronics have made their way into the high-end audio scene. The Matrix pre-amplifier P150 and amplifier MP150 are the predecessors in technology of the known Exquisite and Enigma Veyron electronics.
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