We have collected the most relevant information on Kodi Video Freezes Audio Continues. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
SOLVED - Video freezes, audio continues - Kodi
SOLVED - Video freezes, audio continues - Kodi
Audio is never affected, and the audio continues to play after the video freezes. In nearly every instance, the top 5-10% of the display turns bright green at the moment of freezing. 6. It might be relevant that I am running DirectX 12 and I have an nVidia GeForce 750M. I am running the only 750M-compatible driver certified for Windows 10. 7.
Question - Kodi Video Playback Suddenly Freezes But Timer ...
When ever kodi has this freeze I can still navigate the app no problem, only the playback has an issue. The timer continues even past the video length. I tested a 33 second video. It froze but i just looked again and the timer is almost at 10 minutes. it will continue until i restart the device 09:24/00:33
Video Suddenly Freezes and No Audio : kodi
kodi 18.9 on the nvidia shield tv 8.2.2. Video suddenly just stops/freezes and no sound as well, but the timer on the status bar was still ticking. ( the timer continues well past the video length infinitely) Nothing I do can make the videos play normally again. Opening a new video only plays the first few seconds (without audio) then the video stops again.
Youtube video keeps freezing, audio continues - Microsoft ...
Created on December 21, 2017 Youtube video keeps freezing, audio continues Hello, this wasn´t happening before. When I watch video on Youtube, then click on another tab or open document (really anytime when I can´t see the video), audio continues, but video freezes on the moment where I clicked away. Can you help me please?
No Audio and Video Freezes A Few Seconds Later : kodi
kodi 19.0 on the nvidia shield tv 8.2.2 Been having an issue were there is no audio and video stops a few seconds later but the timer on the status bar still ticking. (the timer continues well past the video length infinitely) Force stop app, restart kodi brings back playback but issue appears back after 24-48 hours
Video + audio occasionally freezes - General Support ...
Sep 3rd 2021. #1. Hi there, I use LibreElec on Rpi4b; I also use plexkodiconnect add-on and an rclone mounted drive to stream files directly from google instead of through my very slow upload speed server. Over the past few months, I've been having an issue where when watching a video, randomly the video will freeze but audio continues to play for several …
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