We have collected the most relevant information on Kole Audio Company. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Kole Audio
Kole Audio. Kole Audio's mission is to deliver leading edge products with innovative features and cosmetics. It is without exception that this year's new products are an extraordinary mix to say the least. We are introducing a line-up of amplifiers with an esoteric home hi-fi look and a line with Diamond cut heat sinks, including two powerhouse ...
Kole Audio
Kole Audio. TRAX SERIES AMPLIFIERS. Some people like the “bling”, some like the stealthy approach…. And some like to be different. For those who strive to be different, the new 2009 TRAX amplifiers will fill your craving. The new heatsink has huge, wide, aggressive fins for extreme cooling, requirement for the monster 7000 watt model.
Kole Audio Store at Sonic Electronix
Additional Kole Audio Audio Information: Kole Audio amplifiers use cutting-edge MOSFET technology as their power supply and they are available in a variety of sizes and configurations. Kole Audio subwoofers are designed to hit hard and are available in the 10", 12" and 15" sizes. If you need additional power for your car audio system, check out ...
Kole Audio - Car reviews, car audio reviews & car forums
Kole Audio. Select the Kole Audio product you are looking for or choose a different brand
Kole Digital - Illinois Home Theater Installation & Home ...
One-stop shopping for all of the audio/video and convenience systems for your home. We're Kole Digital, a locally-owned company specializing in the design and installation of incredible home theaters, custom audio/video and control systems in fine homes and commercial environments. Call us today for a free in home consultation or visit our ...
kole audio.... | Charger Forums
Joined Jan 14, 2008. ·. 107 Posts. #4 · Jan 18, 2009. str33tdreams said: the price is right, but the brand isn't, imo. kole amps are way overrated and they make outrageous RMS claims and only deliver about half that or a little more. the 4000D is claimed to be rated at 2200 RMS and you can find it for about 175$ online.
GDC Vault - Unscoring the World of 'Kenshi'
Company Name(s): Kole Audio Solutions, Lo-Fi Games Ltd. Track / Format: Audio: Overview: Traditionally, game audio has served a role of enhancing the heroism of the player, but what do you do when a game treats them like a regular NPC in the world? When your primary goal is surviving in a harsh land and barely hanging on each night ...
GDC Vault - Landing Your First Game and Building a Career
Company Name(s): Kole Audio Solutions, Adam Gubman Music, Billy Martin Music, Fastestmanintheworld Media, G-Musique : Track / Format: Business, Marketing & Management: Overview: There is no clear cut path on where or how to take your first step into the world of game audio as a freelancer. ...
Good Story Company
Stories are powerful—and we're here to help you craft the most powerful version of yours. From editing services to education to connecting communities of writers and readers, Good Story Company is dedicated to helping all writers unlock their potential. Your best story is …
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