We have collected the most relevant information on Kr Audio Usa. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
KR AUDIO USA - High End Tube Amplifiers and KR Tubes
KR AUDIO USA - EXCLUSIVE USA DISTRIBUTOR For KR AUDIO ELECTRONICS ABOUT US "The ability to create emotion is the province of the artist. Our task is to provide the electronic means by which this artistry can be communicated as the artist intended." KR Audio as the World's Best Audio Product at any cost, needs no introduction for many Audiophiles.
KR AUDIO USA, Harwil Group Exclusive USA Distributor 8390 E. Via De Ventura F110-194 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258 1-888-593-8488 x121 [email protected] www.kraudiousa.com Antares VA300 Antares VA320 Kronzilla SD Kronzilla SX Kronzilla SXI VA340 VA350 VT850 P150 VA8800 Kronzilla DM Kronzilla DX Kronzilla DXL Kronzilla HD A50 Legal Stuff
KR Audio
Tube and Amplifier Sales - Product Information & Consultation.private auditions by appointment, please Affirm Audio Dallas, Texas USA Dr. Robert Spence
KR Audio – USA Tube Audio
KR Audio – USA Tube Audio Home / Brands / KR Audio KR Audio 0% Financing Available on all KR Audio Products. KR Audio is located in Prauge, Czech Republic. Showing all 15 results KR Audio A50 Read more KR Audio Antares VA300 Read more KR Audio Antares VA320 Read more KR Audio Kronzilla DM Read more KR Audio Kronzilla DX Read more
Kr Audio (Linserver)
Kr Audio (Linserver) World Manufacturer of Vacuum Tubes and Hi-fi Audio Equipment Located in the heart of Europe in Czech Republic. KR is the world leader in the production of low-frequency power triodes and hi-end audio equipment. All products are hand-crafted, starting from the selection of the glass.
KR Audio | highend-electronics, inc.
KR Audio. located in the heart of Europe, in Prague, the Czech Republic, KR Audio is the world leader in the production of low-frequency power triodes and hi-end audio equipment. Dr. Ricardo Kron and his wife Dr. Eunice Kron founded KR Audio Electronics in 1992.
KR Audio - Well Rounded Sound
A KR amplifier in the existing sound system or the application of a KR tube gives the listener increased dynamics, greater detail from the recording, be it vinyl or CD, and an almost tangible imaging. At present, KT designs and build 15 different tube amplifier models for all tastes in Hi-Fi including two completely solid state sets.
KR Audio - Tubes
KR Vacuum Tubes. KT88. Low Frequency, power beam tetrode. 15-25 Watts of pure class-A power. Maximum Plate Voltage. 800 V. Maximum Plate …
KR Audio repair - Audiogon Discussion Forum
You want to work with Renaissance Audio in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They are the Authorized Service center for KR in US and Canada. Bradley Smith is who I talk to and he is who introduced me to Eunice Kron who is the actual owner of KR. Follow the "Contact Us" link at this website. http://www.renaissanceaudio.com/
KR Audio :: Tubes :: Banzai Music GmbH
KRON Audio 300B Matched Pair - KR 300B high power triode. This high power, high voltage triode delivers 6-12 Watts of pure class-A power. Beautiful shaped (classic Western Electric WE300B stile ST-ahape glass envelope) and fully compatible with all classic 300B tubes, this KR300B is the first choice when the quality of your sound matters.
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