We have collected the most relevant information on Krell Audiokarma. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Krell KSA-100 - is it worth bothering with? - Audiokarma
Well I see there is a few different Krell KSA-100, there is a Krell KSA-100 MkII, and Krell KSA-100 MkIIs also. While some are saying any of them are a good amp I guess, I'm looking at the time of working on the cars. 40 hours of mechanic trade isn't fair at all, even at a low price of $50 an hour. I'm seeing prices of $1600 - $2000 for this amp.
Krell FPB 600... HOLY HELL! | Audiokarma Home Audio …
The separation and dynamics within the Krell are outstanding and to think that the slight harshness that I was experiencing with the Adcoms was all due to distortion! The more I upgrade components within my system (especially interconnects), the more I realize that distortion IS the root cause for listening fatigue and the sense of "harshness ...
Threshold, Mark Levison, Krell, which one? | Audiokarma ...
I've compared the Threshold S/300 and Krell KSA-100 head to head. In the end, I preferred the Threshold. I had it serviced, and after 18 years two small caps needed replacement and the bias had to be re-adjusted. All other components were on or even over spec. The guy who bought the Krell had it serviced and the whole thing had to be revised.
Krell – The Leader in Audio Engineering
Krell K-300i Integrated Stereo Amplifier — Dennis Burger, Home Theater Review "I was absolutely blown away." Krell K-300i Integrated Stereo Amplifier Krell Foundation 4K Ultra HD Processor “When watching local news becomes enticing because the anchor's voice sounds so lifelike and transparent, you know something special is happening.”
Krell KAV 500i Integrated Amplifiers user reviews : 4.7 ...
an Audiophile. Just upgraded from the 300i to the 500i. Along with more power than the 300i, the preamp section in the 500i is fully balanced, unlike the 300i. I was totally unprepared for the AMAZING sound difference between the two. Irrespective of the power difference, the 500i is smoother up top, more refined.
The Ten Most Significant Amplifiers of All Time - The ...
Krell KSA-100 Arguably, the first high-end solid-state super-amp. The year was 1980 and who would know that the KSA 100, right out-of-the-box, would establish Krell as one of the greatest brands of all time. Dan D’Agostino proved to the world that solid-state output devices could actually reproduce music.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
An integrated amp that I have used on the Thiel that is the smoothest of all the amps I tried is the KRELL 300i. It also has the most bass with Thiel CS3.7. The first 90 watts of the KRELL is Class A. KRELL has a whole line of separate amps in …
Krell KST-100 power amplifier | Stereophile.com
The KST-100 did have a good proportion of Krell character: a firm, confident approach, highly stable imaging, and a strong, highly controlled bass. I rate Krell's KSA-150B highly, and found it to have much in common with the (relatively) budget-priced KST-100. In this context, it was a touch more dynamic and a shade clearer than the KSA-80.
AudioKarma.org | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head ...
12. Would I be right in thinking that AudioKarma is principally a vintage audio site.... There seems to be a few members over there with a fetish for Marantz and Macintosh amps Hehehe (i'm only jealous ) Mick - TEAM FM. Digital front end: Krell MD10 / Krell Studio DAC, Sony D777es DAB Tuner, Theta TLC. Analog front end: EAR834p MM/MC Phono ...
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