We have collected the most relevant information on Kurzweil K2000 Audio Mp3. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
K2000 - KURZWEIL It's the Sound®
The K2000 will say Not Found because there is no Kurzweil object in ROM at that number. But it still sends a program change to the Digitech, calling up that numbered effect. You must type the number in on the numeric keypad (as opposed to scrolling with the wheel or + and - buttons) because when scrolling, the operating system is designed to ...
The Complete K2000 | Sweetwater
Synthesizer. These are public domain sounds for the Kurzweil K2000/2500. They were collected from a variety of sources, including CompuServe, the University of Wisconsin ftp site, and the Bach.Nevada ftp site. We, of course, can take no responsibility for the quality of these sounds but invite you to give them a try; some of them are excellent.
Kurzweil K2000VP - Sound on Sound
Synth Guidance Counsellor and long‑time K2000 owner Paul Ward checks out Kurzweil's VP makeover of this legendary workstation. Sound On Sound first reviewed the Kurzweil K2000 way back in March 1992 — and mightily impressed we all were too. Many synths have come and gone in the interim, yet the K2000 still holds a special place for those ...
K-Sounds Volume 1 - Piano Sample Library for Kurzweil K-Series
Volume 1 for the Kurzweil K2000, K2500, and K2600 is a piano sample library offering four distinct pianos, including a velocity-switched Kawai EX concert grand, a bright mid-sized Kawai grand, a Baldwin concert grand, and a velocity-switched Steinway D concert grand. Each is presented in stereo and has a full complement of KDFX treatments.
K2000 V3 - SynthMania
The amazingly powerful, groundbreaking Kurzweil K2000.This one in particular is the Version 3 (with OS release 3.18 Janis) , the latest version of the K2000, if we don't count the K2VX version, which was still based on the K2000 and included an "analog collection" of samples on diskettes.
Kurzweil K2000/K2500 differences in tone.. - …
Whenever I'd get the urge to scout out the new Kurzweil keyboards, I'd visit their site, and I don't know why but their audio demos always sound like crap to me. I don't mean the playing style or instrument/synths, but the actual audio. For some reason 128kps mp3's or YouTube demos sound sound better by comparison, at least to me.
Why no K2000 vst? - Page 2 - Instruments Forum - KVR Audio
These are public domain sounds for the Kurzweil K2000/2500. They were collected from a variety of sources, including CompuServe, the University of Wisconsin ftp site, and the Bach.Nevada ftp site. We, of course, can take no responsibility for the quality of these sounds but invite you to give them a try; some of them are excellent.
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