We have collected the most relevant information on Lectora Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio and Lectora - eLearning Learning
Recording Audio and Video with Lectora’s Built-in Tools Trivantis DECEMBER 22, 2014 Did you know that Lectora ® e-Learning software has a built-in audio and video recording tool so that you can easily record your own audio and webcam videos? Recording Audio. Follow these steps to record and add audio: 1. A small Audio Editor window will open.
Recording Audio and Video with Lectora’s ... - Trivantis
From the Tools ribbon, select the Audio Recording button. 2. A small Audio Editor window will open. 3. Select the Settings icon to choose the correct microphone. 4. Click the Record button to begin recording your audio. 5. Click the Stop button when you’re done. 6. Lectora will prompt you to Save or Discard the resulting audio file.
Recording Audio and Video with Built-in Tools in Lectora ...
Lectora will prompt you to save or discard the resulting audio file. Click Save to add the audio to your title. The audio is added to the page as an MP3 audio file. You can change the properties of the audio – including the controller – from the Audio Properties ribbon as necessary. Video Recording
Audio, Lectora and Video - eLearning Learning
Lectora allows developers to set events that occur at flagged times within audio. For some, this may actually be a preferred way of syncing events to audio. Audio timings are set with the Lectora audio editor. by Jonathan Shoaf. Audio 120 24 New Lectora Online Support Videos You Should Watch eLearning Brothers JANUARY 31, 2018
How to Synchronize Events in Lectora and Lectora Online ...
Lectora and Lectora Online allow you to synchronize event actions to MP3 audio or MP4 video. If your file is not in this format you will need to convert it to MP3/MP4. You can convert it as you import it with Lectora and Lectora Online. Alternatively, from the Video or Audio Properties ribbon, click Convert to MP3/MP4. Step 3: Sync Events
Lectora - The Most Powerful eLearning Authoring Tool | Try ...
Make all your learning needs come to life with Lectora. The Accessibility Leader Create a better experience for all learners. Collaborative Authoring* Work with others without losing your work (and your mind). Explore All Features Integrated with Powerful Tools Built-In Asset Library Easily enhance courses with images, audio, video, and more.
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