We have collected the most relevant information on Lee Deforest And The Audion. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audion - Wikipedia
Lee De Forest: Father of Radio and Inventor of the Audion ...
Over the course of his lifetime, Lee De Forest patented over 300 inventions, but only one proved to be successful and ultimately earned him the title as one of the “fathers of radio.” De Forest invented the Audion in 1906, a device that changed the course of radio history in the 19 th century. The three-electrode vacuum tube functioned as a primitive transistor, …
Lee DE Forest.org
Lee de Forest invented the three-element vacuum tube which became the basis of all electronic devices. He called it the Audion. In the Nineteenth Century Thomas Edison noticed a blackening on the inside of his burning light bulb. He believed it to be caused by electrons and he named it the “Edison Effect.”
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