We have collected the most relevant information on Legendary Audio Masterpiece Mastering. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Sound Equipment | Legendary Audio | United States
Legendary Audio was established initially for collaboration with the Legendary Audio designer, Mr. Rupert Neve, to develop the Masterpiece Analog Mastering System. Although WE STILL SERVICE existing Masterpiece units, we do not manufacture them anymore due to Rohs restrictions which caused critical parts to be discontinued. BUT ONWARD AND UPWARD!
Legendary Audio Masterpiece Analog Mastering System
Legendary Audio Masterpiece Analog Mastering System. Two years and many man-hours of testing and tweaking later, the Legendary Audio Masterpiece Analog Mastering System is a reality. The story of the Legendary Audio Masterpiece began when an unlikely stranger moved into a small Texas town. The town was Wimberley, home to Billy Stull, a …
Masterpiece Mastering home
Unlike any other mastering equipment, the Masterpiece Analog Mastering System was conceived by Billy Stull to provide capabilities unavailable in existing equipment. The circuits were custom designed by the revered, honored, and legendary Mr. Rupert Neve and the Masterpiece is manufactured and marketed world-wide by Legendary Audio .
Legendary Audio MasterPiece - Mastering Console / Channel ...
Legendary Audio MasterPiece - Mastering Console / Channel Strip Legendary Audio MasterPiece - Mastering Console / Channel Strip Recommended uses: Bass tracks, Beats, Kick tracks, Synths, Vocals Owners of this gear The Gear Rack Log In To Book Now Share this page This piece of gear has limited suppliers. Processing may take longer than usual.
Legendary Audio Masterpiece II by Rupert Neve | Gat3 | …
This is the Masterpiece II - one of the most amazing set of mastering processors ever produced. This unit is in mint condition and includes all modules, power supply, and original boxes. It includes peaking filters, shelving filters, Neve style transformer stages, tape module, insert modules, compressor/limiter module, and master section with filters and image control.
Legendary Audio Masterpiece | Sound Studio | Reverb
There are only about 50 of these in the world, it is a complete analog mastering solution that is incredibly powerful and a wonderful option to compliment the plethora of digital mastering tools. Truly a one of a kind piece of gear that would likely cost close to 25k if sold new today. It's been used in a smoke free mastering studio outside austin and it recently was fully gone through by …
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