We have collected the most relevant information on Les Miserables Audiobook Librivox. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Les Miserables (audio book) - librivox.app
Victor Hugo. (4.5 stars; 68 reviews) recorded 1937 with Orson Welles Les Miserables (translated variously from French as The Miserable Ones, The Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, The Victims) (1862) is a novel by French author Victor Hugo, and among the best-known novels of the 19th century. It follows the lives and interactions of several French characters over a …
Les Misérables (audio book) - librivox.app
Read by Pomme. (4.8 stars; 332 reviews) Ce billet contient les 5 tomes du roman : « Fantine », « Cosette », « Marius », « L’idylle de la rue Plumet et l’épopée de la rue Saint-Denis » et « Jean Valjean ». À mon amie très chère, Juliette. Ce livre appartient à la collection Litterature Audio.
Les Misérables, Vol. 1 : Victor Hugo : Free Download ...
LibriVox recording of Les Misérables, Vol. 1, by Victor Hugo. Read by LibriVox volunteers. An ex-convict breaks parole and starts a new life as a righteous man, but is pursued by a police inspector. Along the way, the ex-convict joins a revolution, adopts a daughter, and beats people up. Hooray. (Summary by smileyman457)
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