We have collected the most relevant information on Lindell Audio 17x. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Lindell Audio 17X - Sound on Sound

    The Lindell Audio 17X is a beautiful-sounding compressor that's reminiscent of the classic Urei 1176, but offers a few useful extra features that open up a much broader tonal palette, ranging from subtle parallel effects to full-on drum-loop slamming. information €2150. Lindell Audio +46 735 35 89 79. info@lindellaudio.se www.lindellaudio.se

17X - LINDELL AUDIO - Designed by engineers for engineers

    The 17X is our take on the classic ”1176 Sound”. It can be smooth or it can be a rock’n'roll monster when using ratio 100:1 (all in). Please have listen to the sound examples below. FET Style Compressor Variable Mix Control For Precise Parallel Compression 5 Step Switched Attack Times 20ms to 800ms 5 Step Switched Release Times 50ms to 0,8sec

The Lindell Audio 17X by IGS. - IGS Audio

    The Lindell Audio 17X by IGS. During some free time we took up a alternative project which was a modern adaptation of the 1176 compressor for the Swedish company Lindell Audio. The circuit of the legendary compressor has been equipped with an input transformer and two alternative, switched output transformers (Sowter / Carnhill).

Lindell Audio 17X Compressor and Limiter Review

    One of the stand-out pieces of gear at the show was the single-channel, Lindell Audio 17X FET transformer-coupled compressor/limiter. Sweden-based Lindell is best known for its high-end Reference Modular I and II three-way loudspeaker systems, so making a compressor is a new venture.

Lindell Audio 17XS MkII - Sound On Sound

    Lindell Audio 17XS MkII Mono FET Compressor-Limiter Signal Processors By Matt Houghton Published September 2013 Tobias Lindell set himself the difficult task of recreating the sound of his own high-end compressor in a much more affordable box. Did he succeed?

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