We have collected the most relevant information on Linear Vs Audio Pots Guitar. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio or Linear Pots? — Six String Supplies
Audio or linear taper pots? What’s the difference ...
When you dial up a linear pot, the signal increases in a very predictable, linear way… At “1”, it gives you 10% of the available signal. At “4”, it gives you 40% of the available signal and at “9”, it gives you 90% of the available …
Audio or Linear Pots? — Six String Supplies
Bottom line – choose what is best suited to you. Linear pots will give a uniform decrease in volume/tone (you will notice more of an effect on each control knob setting) whilst audio will give a more instant (quicker) increase or decrease in volume or tone. If you gig a lot, audio may be better for a quicker boost while on stage.
Do you use audio or linear pots for tone? - Gelvin Guitars
Volume pots should be linear and tone should be audio taper. Most people suggest the opposite because they are confusing an amplified circuit with an RC circuit. The tone of your guitar is not an amplifier circuit where an audio taper would come into play. It is a capacitor resistor circuit. The two are different and should be treated as such.
linear taper v. audio taper pots? | Telecaster Guitar Forum
If we use a linear taper potentiometer in a standard volume control circuit, we will hear “10” as only twice as loud as “1.” If we use an audio taper pot, “10” will sound ten times as loud as “1,” which is what we expect. Since 10=10 no matter what, an audio taper pot will have a much lower level “1” than a linear taper pot."
Linear vs audio taper for volume pot? | The Gear Page
Our ears' perception of volume is not linear therefore audio taper (log) pots adjust volume in a fashion that makes the sound appear to be linear throughout the range. Linear pots adjust gain in a linear fashion, irrespective of how volume is perceived, which has the effect on the ear of a steep curve where anything less than 7 is essentially off.
Linear vs Audio taper pots | Gretsch-Talk Forum
With the old analog meters you could check a pot by watching the needle sweep but today I just try the pot at 4 spots: 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full. With linear taper 1/2 rotation is 1/2 the resistance, with audio taper 1/2 turn is somewhere around 1/4 or 3/4 the total resistance (depending on which contacts you check).
Tone Pots: Linear or Audio? Why? - Music Electronics Forum
The general rule of thumb is that audio taper is used for volume and anything approximating the volume-like function, where linear is used whenever knowing the "middle" of something is important. As you might expect, linear pots are used for things like blend/mix/balance controls, as well as for EQ controls where identifying exactly where you are …
Audio Taper vs. Linear Taper (whats what) and Cap ...
You should always use audio pots for volume control, otherwise you will find that the volume does not change smoothly as you turn the pot up and down. With a linear taper pot, you will find that the volume increases slowly from 0 to about 60 or 70 …
Linear Taper vs Audio Taper Guitar Potentiometers (pots ...
When goofing around with my custom shop strat I decided to move around some electronics and change one of the potentiometers (pots) however, when buying the ...
Pots, audio vs linear taper | Fender Stratocaster Guitar Forum
Audio or log pots fall steeply from maximum, from 100% down to about 10% at halfway, the 10% to zero in the second half of the turn. Most people prefer them, at least for tone pots, because it spreads out the perceived effect of the tone change more evenly. Linear pots seem to have most of the tone change from about 0 to 2 then not much from 2 to 10.
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