We have collected the most relevant information on Linux Audio Conference 2009. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Linux Audio Conference 2009 - Slides, Papers and more
Linux Audio Conference 2009 - Slides, Papers and more IOhannes Zmölnig: Reflection in Pure data One of the more prominent realtime computer music languages on linux is Pure Data. While Pure data provides ample constructs for signal domain specific programming, it has only limited capabilities for metaprogramming.
Linux Audio Conference 2009 - Slides, Papers and more
Abstract: JACK2 is the future JACK version based on the C++ multi-processors Jackdmp version. This paper presents recent developments : the D-Bus based server control system, NetJack2 the redesigned network components for JACK and profiling tools developed during port on Solaris.
State of Linux Audio in 2009 - Linux Plumbers Conference 2009
State of Linux Audio in 2009 Linux Plumbers Conference 2009 Lennart Poettering [email protected] September 2009 Lennart Poettering State of Linux Audio in 2009. Who Am I? Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc. Developer of PulseAudio, Avahi and a few other Free Software projects
Linux Audio Update - Linux Journal
The Linux Audio Conference for 2009 was held in Parma, Italy, from April 15 through April 19. Alas, I was unable to attend, but the organizers again provided video and audio streams for us stay-at-homes. Video recordings and PDF files of the slide shows are already available at http://lad.linuxaudio.org/events/2009_cdm/.
Linux Audio Update - Linux.com
This week we have more straight reporting from Studio Dave with a look at some conference activity, cool developments in the world of Ardour and news about some new and updated programs for your complete Linux music production studio. LAC2009 The Linux Audio Conference for 2009 was held in Parma, Italy, from April 15 through April 19.
Linux Audio
We are happy to announce this year's issue of the Linux Audio Conference (LAC) to take place at c-base, Berlin, Germany during April 8-10 in the form of a miniLAC. The space station below Berlin-Mitte and members of Linux Audio Users Berlin welcome all attendees, interested in the field of pro-audio on Linux to join in a weekend of lectures, workshops, hacking and getting …
Linux Audio Conference | Linuxaudio.org
Linux Audio Conference 2020. In 2020 the Linux Audio Conference will take place at Université de Bordeaux, France, on November 25 - 27. More information is available here. Linux Audio Conference Website Archive * 2019 Stanford University, CA, USA - Website.
Linux Audio Conference 2010 - autostatic.com
ZIt ik een beetje rond te kijken op Open Blik zie ik dat de Linux Audio Conference van linuxaudio.org komend voorjaar in Utrecht is! Zo, daar word ik wel even enthousiast van. Nog mooier zou zijn als ik een bijdrage zou kunnen leveren aan deze conferentie. Gezien mijn universitaire achtergrond en mijn huidige werk bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam zou dat zo …
Linux Audio Conference 2019
About. After seven years outside of the United States, Linux Audio Conference (LAC) took place at Stanford University on March 23-26, 2019 for its 17th edition! LAC is the international conference about Free/Open-Source Software for music, sound, …
Now you know Linux Audio Conference 2009
Now that you know Linux Audio Conference 2009, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.