We have collected the most relevant information on Linux Audio Resampler. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Resampler for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux ...
Linear or 6-point Audio Resampler and Reverser Can be used in native apps on Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows, and in all major web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, etc. Resampling is the unavoidable transformation to convert between sample rates or changes in tempo with pitch.
Controlling Adaptive Resampling - Linux Audio Conference
The resampler acts as an integrator, so it we need just one more in the control logic. Realistic values for the loop bandwidth are in the range 0.01...0.10 Hz. A practical realisation will consist of a variable size bu er and the resampler. Controlling Adaptive Resampling { 6 Linux Audio Conference { 12...15 April 2012 { CCRMA, Stanford CA, USA
DigitalAudioResamplingHomePage - Stanford …
the Planet CCRMA Distribution.4 If you are running Red Hat Linux, check out the Planet. • There is also SoX5 (which uses libsoxr, the SoX resampler library) to change sampling ... • Brick is an arbitrary-quality audio resampler, pitch-shifter, and format converter written and maintained by William Andrew Burnson:
linux-audio-dev: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Resampling
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Resampling From: Benno Senoner (sbenno_AT_gardena.net) Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 20:40:19 EEST Next message: John Lazzaro: "[linux-audio-dev] RTP resilient-MIDI networking in sfront 0.73" Previous message: Steve Harris: "[linux-audio-dev] Actually making music" Next in thread: Vincent Touquet: "Re: [linux-audio-dev] Resampling"
Free Resampling Software - Stanford University
resample. The package compilesreadily under Linux and most other UNIX operating systems. It is released under the GNULesser General Public License (LGPL). READMEfile for resamplesoftware package Older Version for NeXT Computers (49 Kbytes) Original 1983+ source for the PDP KL-10(Released under the Revised BSD License)
FS#41414 : [vlc] VLC uses the ugly resampler audio instead ...
main debug: using audio resampler module "speex_resampler" main debug: End of audio preroll so it seems there is a huge problem with vlc 2.1.5, the program is unable to find libsamplerate ( but the archlinux package libsamplerate is installed ),
[solved][vlc] bad quality sound in vlc 2.1.5, resampler ...
main debug: looking for audio resampler module matching "speex_resampler": 3 candidates main debug: using audio resampler module "speex_resampler" main debug: End of audio preroll so it seems there is a huge problem with vlc 2.1.5, the program is unable to find libsamplerate ( but the archlinux package libsamplerate is installed ),
GitHub - atsushieno/libsoundio-sharp: cross platform …
cross-platform among various desktop platforms (Windows/Mac/Linux). modern features (device detection, channel layouts) C-based easy bindable API.NET platforms lack cross-platform audio I/O solution and therefore C# is still not applied in this area. libsoundio-sharp is created to change it. libsoundio-sharp makes use of nclang PInvokeGenerator ...
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