We have collected the most relevant information on Liquid Compass Audio Player. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Liquid Compass Deploys Unique Media Player Experience for ...
Liquid Compass, a premier online radio streaming platform, announced today the release of a custom player designed for Focus on the Family’s “Adventure in Odyssey” series. The player has been deployed just in time for the …
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Arrakis Systems
TESTING THE AUTOMATION PORTION OF THE LIQUID COMPASS INTERFACE a) Play an Audio File: open the automation then play a type 'M' music file. This should create an artist-title data file on the automation PC and the Liquid Compass encoder PC. b) Check Automation: open the file ‘...\Streaming Services\Liquid Compass Test.txt’ 1) Digilink-Xtreme
Liquid Compass Launches LC Pro Flash Media Player
The player incorporates both AirKast, TuneKast ando Media Targeted Ad Injector ad insertion technology as a fully-integrated mobile media platform. Using this platform, Liquid Compass says radio stations can reach their listeners on the move and better define where their ad content will be distributed -- on mobile devices, desktop media player or both.
Liquid Compass - CNET Download
Liquid Compass free download - Winamp Lyrics, Liquid Live Desktop Wallpaper & Screensaver, Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring demo, and many more programs
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