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audiography - Profile - LiveJournal
AUDIOGRAPHY is a collaborative music blog. Envisage this community as a place to discover new music and then BUY it legally. All music files are posted for evaluation purposes only. The RIAA dictates that all music downloaded should be …
Theme: Holidays: audiography — LiveJournal
So, in addition to Savvy-Elf's EPIC HOLIDAY MUSIC POST OF WIN , we now get to go wild here. Excellent. First and foremost, I think we should start with my very favourite piece of Christmas music - ye olde Carol Of The Bells. And here, my friends, is …
off theme throwback: singles: audiography — LiveJournal
I recently acquired this and I couldn't call myself a human being without sharing this gem. It's pure sonic joy. Of course, I just love bubblegum indie pop to the absolute brim. " International Tweexcore Underground " by Los Campesinos! If you don't know this …
Unplugged: Stripped down and strung out: audiography ...
Would have posted today's tunes on my folk coverblog Cover Lay Down by now, but I kept getting hung up on two technicalities: a) Unplugged versions aren't technically covers, and b) These artists aren't folk musicians, no matter how acoustic they get I …
The Ultimate Guide to The Replacements: audiography ...
audiography — Readability. Log in ... By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. No account? Create an account Seymour Romanovich Prouvaire wrote in audiography, 2005-06-19 00:00:00. Seymour Romanovich Prouvaire signifiers audiography 2005- ...
Theme: Long Distance Love: audiography — LiveJournal
Sweet home Alabama. Where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alabama. Lord, I'm coming home to you. Yes, everyone and his brother know this song, but it is about long distance love of a state rather than a person. This song was written in defense of Alabama after Neil Young wrote two songs attacking the state.
Summahtime...and the livin is easy: audiography — LiveJournal
Some of the older Audiography veterans will remember this from a while ago, but I couldn’t resist posting it again. A newly updated compilation of “Summertime,” the ultimate song for summer! Sixteen versions of the classic song that’ll have you singing it all summer long… EDIT: No longer a …
Non-fiction. Well, mostly.: audiography — LiveJournal
audiography — Readability. Log in ... By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. No account? Create an account the one and only truly amazing katster wrote in audiography, 2005-07-21 16:15:00. the one and only truly amazing katster katster ...
Postpunk in journals and communities LJ - livejournal.com
By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. No account? Create an account Interests ... find people by interests in the page with interests. postpunk in communities Found: 40 matches audiography Audiography Collaborative Music Blog 1 year ago cave_ru 3 years ago
Here I dreamt I was an architect — LiveJournal
I made two different mixed CDs for one friend, one for another, one for my audiography mixees (sent those out today, haha right on deadline!), and then mixchallenge inspired me to make a fanmix. A McKay/Sheppard fanmix which actually ended up this fanmix and spawned about 3 different other mixes.
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