We have collected the most relevant information on Logic Pro X Not Scanning Audio Units. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Logic Pro X crashes on Audio Unit scan - Apple Community
Logic Pro X 10.4.5 on Mac OS X 10.14.5 (18F132) crashes every single time when I try to open it. It says "Scanning Audio Units (finalized 0 of 3)" hangs for a few seconds and then crashes. Does anybody have a solution to this? Is there a way to view a log file of what the problem Audio Unit caused the crash (if that was the case)?
Bypass, remove, or rescan Audio Units plug-ins in Logic ...
Logic Pro rescans all installed Audio Units plug-ins. Check Logic Pro or MainStage to see if the plug-in is available. If the plug-in is still not available, check with the manufacturer to see if the plug-in is compatible with your version of macOS, and for possible updates.
Logic Pro X not seeing Audio Unit plugins | Time+Space ...
Method 1: Run the AU Manager from within Logic Pro X. Method 2: Go to Macintosh HD/Users/Library/Cashes and move the com.apple.audiounits.cashe file to the trash and empty the trash bin. When you next restart Logic Pro it will do a fresh scan of any installed Audio Units and your plugin should now appear in the Audio Units list in Logic Pro.
Logic Pro X scanning audio units on startup - Logic Pro Help
Logic Pro X scanning audio units on startup Topic is solved . monogee Posts: 39 Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:01 pm. Logic Pro X scanning audio units on startup. Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:29 pm. Is there a way to stop Logic Pro X from scanning audio units and vst's on startup? Thanks. Mac Pro 8-Core/ / Mac OS X 10.15.3 / Logic Pro X 10.4.8.
Logic Pro X - Always rescans audio units on startup ...
Hi, Logic is constantly re-scanning audio units on startup. How can I stop this. Mac OS sierra 10.12.6 (16G29) Logic v.10.4.0 Thanks, Quefijo
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