We have collected the most relevant information on Louvre Audio App. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Louvre Museum : Audio Guide on the App Store
The audio is a computerized voice reading text. It’s excruciating to listen to. Plus, this app is NOT FREE as advertised. You can only listen to the audio or read the text of 3 artworks before being forced to pay $1.99 US. The charge isn’t much, but that should have been disclosed from the outset. This is not worth your money or your time.
Louvre Museum Audio Buddy - Apps on Google Play
Louvre Museum Audio Buddy. TRISHTI SYSTEMS Travel & Local. Everyone. 139. Offers in-app purchases. Add to Wishlist. When it comes to Louvre, you …
Louvre Museum Audio Buddy - Apps on Google Play
When it comes to Louvre, you need a trusted companion to take you around. With the Audio Buddy in hand, you get just that. The Louvre Audio Buddy will …
Louvre Museum Audio Buddy on the App Store
iPhone. Description. You can absolutely master the Louvre with the Museum Buddy in your hands. When it comes to Louvre, you need a trusted companion to take you around. With the Buddy in hand, you get just that. The Louvre Museum Buddy will take you around the museum with ease. It has everything you will need for your visit and much more.
Louvre Museum Audio Buddy for Android - APK Download
The description of Louvre Museum Audio Buddy App. The most easy, exciting and extensive app for Louvre. Breeze through hundreds of highlights with ease and enjoy its tremendous collection at your fingertips. You have planned for your visit, purchased your tickets, now is the time to take control and make the most of your day.
Louvre - Audio Tours
Audio tours available for the Louvre in Paris in the Amuze - Museum Audio Tours app. Home News Tours FAQ About Us Contact Louvre. The largest and most-visited museum in the world. It is located in the center of Paris, near the Musée d'Orsay for ...
Louvre Museum Full Buddy on the App Store
iPhone. Description. Trust in the very best and get ready to ace the Louvre with the Museum Buddy. When it comes to Louvre, you need a trusted companion to take you around. With the Buddy in hand, you get just that. The Louvre Museum Buddy will take you around the museum with ease. It has everything you will need for your visit and much more.
Louvre Visit & Guide on the App Store
What a waste of time. When you open the app and search around there is no map. There is an icon that looks like a map and when you click on it there are a bunch of add on charges. $2 euro for this $3 euro for that. NOT A FREE APP AT ALL DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME. Just publish your cost on the App Store page you just create a horrible user experience.
Louvre - Apps on Google Play
Enjoy your viewing! KEY FEATURES. - 2300 paintings of more than 800 masters of painting. - Separation of paintings by genres and authors. - Download of paintings in high resolution. - Access to HD versions of paintings. - Publication of paintings on Facebook. - Convenient search for paintings. - Adding paintings to My favorites.
Louvre Museum Official Website
museelouvre 2 weeks ago- on Instagram. 🇫🇷 Le musée du Louvre fermera exceptionnellement ses portes à 17h le 24 décembre et sera fermé toute la journée du 25 décembre. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année ! 🎄 . - - - -.
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