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Loveline drops - Soundboard.com - Create & Download Free ...
Share Loveline drops: Related Boards: Robin Quivers Parodies. 21 Tracks 40229 Views. War of the Worlds - radio broadcast. 11 Tracks 44816 Views. Vintage Radio Commercials. 8 Tracks 45922 Views. Old Beer Commercials. 9 Tracks 48863 Views. COMMENTS RECOMMENDED SOUNDBOARDS. Ultimate Duke Nukem Soundboard. 58 Tracks. This is the ultimate Duke …
Loveline Drops - App Store MetricsCat
Loveline Drops. Leif Strand. 3.9 rating. Entertainment Add to dashboard. Get widget Add keyword × Add new keyword for tracking Close Track keyword What is MetricsCat. hide The service provides to you data about app markets: keywords and positions, reviews and reviewers, competitors and customer analytics. Overview ...
Loveline Information Archive : Drops
In the radio industry a short sound bite is called a drop. Usually drops are used comedically - and on Loveline Engineer Anderson is quite skilled at choosing and timing drops to great effect. Below you will find a list of common drops and their explaination and/or history.
drops? – Loveline Tapes
I was just listening to the most recent Classic Loveline episode released at Podcastone (#500 August 28, 1997 – Fiona Apple and L7 – Best of) and happen to hear the original Dr. Drew Boogie with the “She drinks until…” drop at the beginning.
Loveline Audio Highlights
Adam Carolla has some sage advice for a female caller that doesn't want to be hit on so much. Mayhem Miller tells it like it is in this hilarious highlight. Mayhem has no patience for annoying girls. Luke is a 14 year-old "long time listener" (almost two months!) who thinks he has mold growing on his groin. Oh dear.
Lingo – Loveline Tapes
On Loveline, Engineer Anderson is quite skilled at choosing and timing drops to great effect. dump Dump or Dumping is the act of removing a snippet of audio from a live broadcast by means of broadcast delay technology.
Links – Loveline Tapes
Loveline Drops iPhone app that offers quick and easy access to over 180 audio "drops" played on the national radio show Loveline from late 2000 to early 2004. Includes Drew Drops, Cyber Adam, David Alan Grier, and more.
Loveline Tapes – A community effort to collect, organize ...
Just discovered Loveline and this site and am enjoying it immensely Glad to read that you're enjoying it. I was born in 1990 and only caught 2004 and 2005 of Ace live.
Staff – Loveline Tapes
Besides Loveline, he hosts several podcasts such as The After Disaster, The Film Vault, and CinemAddicts. He also makes films under his company "Cold Cockle Productions." During his early years when Adam Carolla was the host, he spoke on-air very little, but was known for his impressive speed and timing at playing audio drops.
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