We have collected the most relevant information on Low Audio On Blu-Ray. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Low Volume Playback for Blu-ray Discs, and Various Apps on ...
One issue I'm having with the console though is low audio playback for movies and shows. I have to turn my volume up by about four times when doing the following: - Watching a Blu-Ray Disc. - Watching a show or movie via the Xbox Crave App. - Watching a …
Low sound from bluray - FIXED - Read here! | AVForums
Apr 9, 2007. #1. I noticed that without a 5.1 surround sound setup the audio from bluray films on the tv speakers is very low. If you press triangle during play and go to audio/volume then you get to increase/decrease the volume. It makes a huge difference if you increase it by two bars. My Samsung was very quiet before I found this out - now it bloody loud!
Blu-ray player volume too low | Home Theater Forum
And as mentioned, the resulting volume of the blu-ray audio as fed through the receiver from the same single TV analog audio output is far quieter than that of the cable TV as fed through that same single output -- so much so that, even when the receiver's volume is maxed (80 watts/channel), it's so low that subtleties are hard to hear (unlike when watching cable TV, …
Why is volume on Blu-ray Player so low? | Audioholics Home ...
Oct 13, 2009. #1. I've noticed that the volume is considerably lower on my blu ray discs than on content coming through my cable box. My speakers are connected correctly and I've noticed this problem both on my new Denon receiver and old Yamaha receiver. When watching movies on HBO's HD channel I can set the volume on my Denon receiver to -40db ...
Voices too low on blu-ray, need a suggestion. - DVD Talk Forum
Go to the SETUP option, then click on AUDIO SETTINGS. Audio Output Priority > HDMI Audio (HDMI) > 2ch PCM BD Audio Setting > Mix Audio ATT > Off Dolby Digital > Downmix PCM DTS > Downmix PCM 48kHz/96kHz PCM > 48kHz/16bit Audio DRC > …
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