We have collected the most relevant information on Low Capacitance Audio Interconnects. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
LC-1 Audio Cable Design Notes -- Blue Jeans Cable
Well, that's because video cables are coaxial, which is the right geometry for an unbalanced audio cable; because video cables are typically well shielded; and because video cables, being designed to a 75 ohm characteristic impedance, are relatively low in capacitance, ranging from about 16 pF/ft for an HDPE-foamed dielectric precision video cable (e.g. Belden 1694A) up to about 21 …
Interconnects : Empirical Audio
What is Interconnect Capacitance? [FAQs] | ATL Technology
As the name implies, a “low capacitance interconnect cablelow capacitance interconnect cable” is one that seeks to minimizes the interference of capacitance. Within the medical device industry, low capacitance interconnect cables are typically associated with coaxial cable used for imaging.
Measuring Low Level Interconnects (RCA cables / patch cords)
A common cable with very low capacitance is RG-62 coax. It's a bit stiff but makes a reasonably good interconnect if you don't have to bend it too tightly. Let's see how it does in this test. Pretty good stuff. Low capacitance as shown by the low amplitude of the square wave, and almost no distortion of the shape.
Low Capacitance Cable | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Grover Huffman cables found at home - www.groverhuffman.com have a new line of very low capacitance phono cables and low capacitance interconnect RCA cables. He was able to cut capacitance in half in 2017. The difference in the interconnect cables was very significant from his previous line. Every aspect of the music was improved.
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