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Ludo and the Star Horse: Mary Stewart: 9780688320171 ...
Paperback. $39.98 5 Used from $35.00. Mass Market Paperback. $49.00 1 Used from $49.00. One night when Ludo is home alone, his family's only horse, Renti, escapes from the stable. Overcome with guilt and fear, Ludo follows Renti out in to the snow, and before long the pair find themselves in the House of the Archer, a gateway to the Zodiac.
Ludo and the star horse: Stewart, Mary: 9780340229804 ...
5.0 out of 5 starsDelightful tale of a horse, a boy, and a magical adventure. Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2003. Amongst Ludo's people, there's a special breed of horse chosen to draw the chariot of the sun. Ludo's horse is getting old, and one day, it breaks out of its barn.
Ludo and the Star Horse by Mary Stewart - Goodreads
Ludo and the Star Horse. by. Mary Stewart. 4.05 · Rating details · 279 ratings · 27 reviews. A boy's quest through the fabled star country of the zodiac is the theme of this richly inventive fantasy by a master-storyteller. The boy is Ludo, child of Bavarian mountain farmers, and his love for the aging family workhorse, Renti, is the motive ...
Ludo and The Star Horse by Mary Stewart | NOOK Book …
Ludo and The Star Horse by Mary Stewart NOOK Book (eBook) $3.99 Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. WANT A NOOK? Explore Now Get Free NOOK Book Sample Buy As Gift LEND ME® See Details Overview Mal'chik Lyudo zhivet v …
Ludo and the star horse : Mary Stewart : Free Download ...
Ludo and the star horse by Mary Stewart. Publication date 1975 Topics Fantasy., Astrology -- Fiction. Publisher Morrow Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2014-07-10 14:02:07.710432 Bookplateleaf 0010
Ludo and the star horse (1975 edition) | Open Library
Ludo and the star horse This edition was published in 1975by Morrowin New York. Edition Description A boy follows his horse on a journey through all the houses of the zodiac. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class [Fic] Library of Congress PZ7.S8495 Lu3 The Physical Object Pagination 191 p. Number of pages 191 ID Numbers Open Library OL5061833M
Ludo and The Star Horse – Mary Stewart | The Marvelous ...
Ludo is a peasant boy, the only son of a wood craftsman. He is not very clever but he is kind and loyal. One day, whilst his father is gone on a trip, the family’s Hafling horse, Renti escapes from the stable during a blizzard. In fear of what his father might say upon his return, Ludo follows the horse.
Ludo and the star horse (1975 edition) | Open Library
Ludo and the star horse by Mary Stewart, unknown edition, It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Browse Menu. Subjects ...
Winter reads: Ludo and the Star Horse by Mary Stewart ...
Restraining his homicidal princes, the Archer tells Ludo that Renti is indeed a star horse, and that the two of them may, if they wish, pursue the sun through the succeeding Houses.
Ludo and the Star Horse book by Mary Stewart
Ludo's horse is getting old, and one day, it breaks out of its barn. Ludo follows his horse and stays by his side through adventures and perils as they encounter personifications of the 12 Zodiac signs on the way to a meeting with Destiny. A charming story, I read it as a child, a teenager, and an adult, and I've enjoyed it each and every time.
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