We have collected the most relevant information on Lyndon Johnson Speech Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Lyndon B. Johnson Speeches on Audio - LearnOutLoud
The original recordings of all of Johnson's speeches are housed at the Johnson Presidential Library. Some of the speeches offered here are: Remarks at Gettysburg on Civil Rights May 30, 1963 Address to Joint Session of Congress November 27, 1963 State of the Union Address January 8, 1964
Lyndon Johnson Speeches on Audio & Video - LearnOutLoud
by Lyndon Johnson. Available on: Audio Download (Free) | Online Audio (Free) | Online Video (Free) "For myself, I ask only, in the words of an ancient leader: "Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?" 8.
President Lyndon B. Johnson NTID Remarks audio recording
President Lyndon B. Johnson NTID Remarks digital audio recording Date (s) 1965-1965 Abstract Audio recording the speech made by President Lyndon B. Johnson on the signing of the legislation outlining the establishment of a National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Extent 1.0 Digital file (s) (Digital Audio file) Location
Speeches of Lyndon B. Johnson - Southeast Missouri State ...
Presidential Audio-Video Archive - Lyndon B. Johnson from The American Presidency Project has 25 audio and video messages, including many of Johnson's major speeches. Miller Center of Public Affairs - Lyndon B. Johnson Speeches has 11 audio and speech transcript messages with brief explanatory material on each one.
Lyndon Johnson delivers “We Shall Overcome” speech | NEH ...
A number of Lyndon B. Johnson's most important speeches are available as audio recordings and transcripts; this page takes a few seconds to load. These recordings might be useful for those interested in further audio activities. These are available from the Presidential Speech Archive of the Miller Center.
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