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M-Audio M-Track Eight USB Audio Interface Reviews Reviews ...
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: M-Audio M-Track Eight | …
Sadly for those of us who have bought into the promise of their hardware, M-Audio's current drivers for the M-Track Eight do not do this. The unit also gets very hot in use (and takes a lot more power than ought to be necessary). The line inputs go into clipping at rather low levels for 'professional' hardware. 3 people found this helpful Helpful
M-Audio M-Track Eight Review - MusicTech
The M-Track Eight is very well engineered and feels like a serious piece of kit. In use it performed excellently, capturing everything we put through it with crystal clarity. It’s also easy to find your way around and won’t baffle less experienced users. As a bonus it comes with a pretty generous complement of software too.
Review: M-Audio M-Track Eight : Ask.Audio
The M-Track Eight feels like a solidly built device. The knobs felt a little wonky at times, but they were large and in particular the monitor output knob is huge and easy to grab in a hurry. The metal chassis is sleek and all of the connections were firm and clean.
M-Audio M-Track Eight USB Audio Interface Reviews …
The M-Track Eight is a stable interface which plays well with multiple audio apps at once (the 18i20 failed my tests miserably in this regard). The MT8 interface doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the more expensive options but what it does it does well, and that is route and record audio.
M-Audio M-Track Eight review - YouTube
The M-Audio M-Track Eight which we got to create a "How to record your band in a rehearsal studio" video. (Thanks to Ross at M-Audio UK for the loaner). Here...
Amazon.com: M-Audio M-Track Eight | 8-Channel High ...
The M-Track Eight is very warm to the touch. Is this normal? Yes. The M-Track 8 will be very warm during normal operation, but will not burn the skin when touched. Preamps of this design and quality require a good deal of juice to operate (19V …
M-Track Eight - M-Audio
Pro-Grade Audio M-Track Eight features pristine and precise audio recording with up to 24-bit/96 kHz resolution. Each input channel is equipped with a high-headroom input that features M-Audio's sought-after Octane Preamp Technology. The result is a robust signal path for clean, professional sound.
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