We have collected the most relevant information on M-Audio Projectmix I/O With Logic. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How do I set up my M-Audio Project Mix I/O in Logic …
Hold down the AUX 3 button while powering on the Project Mix I/O. Launch Logic and select Audio Hardware and Drivers in the Audio Menu. Select ProjectMix Multichannel as your primary driver. Relaunch Logic. Once relaunched, Logic will automatically detect the Project Mix I/O. Go to Preferences>Control Surface>Setup. Double click on the image of the […]
M-Audio Project Mix I/O - Sound on Sound
M-Audio Project Mix I/O. M-Audio have packaged a fully featured control surface with motorised faders, an 18-input Firewire interface and eight mic preamps in one box — at a very competitive price. When the Project Mix I/O arrived at the SOS office, we all thought 'Blimey! It looks just like the Digi 002!'. Digidesign and M-Audio are now part ...
Amazon.com: M-Audio ProjectMix IO Control Surface and ...
The Project Mix IO product was discontinued prior to the acquisition of M-Audio by inMusic brands, and is no longer manufactured or available for purchase by inMusic." As a professional developer with 6 years of experience, I can tell you that updating the drivers for a product like this would not be incredibly difficult.
M-Audio ProjectMix I/O | Sweetwater
M-Audio ProjectMix I/O Features: record audio directly into Pro Tools M-Powered (not included) > industry-standard format. use with Pro Tools M-Powered, Live, Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer and SONAR > total compatibility. 10-bit touch-sensitive motorized faders > …
Field Test: M-Audio ProjectMix I/O Interface/Controller
I tried ProjectMix I/O in Logic 7.1, Nuendo 3.2, Live 5 and Pro Tools M-Powered 7. By far, Logic support felt the most thorough, with extra channel views, automation functions and deeper panning and plug-in editing. Granted, ProjectMix I/O can only support functions that a protocol offers, so this is not to fault M-Audio.
Now you know M-Audio Projectmix I/O With Logic
Now that you know M-Audio Projectmix I/O With Logic, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.