We have collected the most relevant information on Mac Not Reading Audio Cds. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Import songs from CDs into Music on Mac - Apple Support
iMAC won't read CDs or DVDs - Apple Community
Go to System Preferences +CDs & DVDs+ pane. Change +When you insert a video DVD+ to Ignore. Then, insert a video DVD and see if it gets mounted to the Desktop but otherwise gets ignored (but does not get ejected). If that works, your problem may be fixed. Change it back to *Open DVD Player* or whatever setting you want, and it will probably work.
In Mac OS X, how do I troubleshoot problems reading CD …
Check your software Check your Finder preferences. With the Finder active, from the Finder menu, select Preferences.... Click the General icon, and look under "Show these items on the Desktop:". Make sure CDs, DVDs, and iPods is checked. If it isn't, when you insert a CD or DVD, its icon will appear in Finder windows, but not on the desktop itself.
MacBook Pro not reading CDs - Mac-Forums
If your iMac reads the CDs then try making a copy of the CDs on your iMac and see if it works on your MBP. Your CD albums might using a brand your MBP doesn't like. Definitely try chas_m's suggestion of using a cleaning disk and see if that helps. If nothing works then you can also try buying an external optical drive.
iMac won't recognize CD - MacRumors Forums
You put the disc in and it's like the drive doesn't even attempt to read it. Then you open up system profiler and it says there's no DVD drive in …
CDs Not Read - Mac-Forums
When I insert a CD or blank CD, no icon appears on the desktop, doesn't appear in iTunes OR Finder. I do have the box selected to show CDs DVDs and iPods. I really need help. This is exactly what what my Toshiba Satellite did. I have a 2.1 GHz MacBook. Intel Core 2 Duo, 1GB RAM. Thank you...
Import songs from CDs into Music on Mac - Apple Support
If imported songs don’t sound right In the Music app on your Mac, choose Music > Preferences, then click Files. Click Import Settings, then select “Use error correction when reading Audio CDs.” Insert the CD and import the songs again. To prevent …
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