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Magus Books
Audiovisual Hallucination - Spells - Archives of Nethys ...
Auditory Hallucination Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 204 School illusion [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 1, bard 1, magus 1, medium 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, skald 1, sorcerer 1, wizard 1 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components S Effect Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Audiovisual Hallucination - d20PFSRD
DESCRIPTION This spell functions as auditory hallucination, except that you can include the image of any object, creature, or force you imagine or identify for the targets to imagine. You can move the image while you concentrate.
Magus Legends LFG | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
Audio / Visual: Voice only ... In the land of Magus that is no exception, many heroes have sought out fame, fortune, and power, but will you be the ones to finally seize it all? Level 1-20 campaign set in a homebrew world. Very relaxed with a heavy emphasis on roleplay and intrigue.
AVITA launches fashionable Magus two-in-one laptop
Magnus Alm - NTNU
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