We have collected the most relevant information on Marantz 2240 Audiokarma. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Marantz 2240? Info Requested... | Audiokarma Home Audio ...
The 2240 is a 40 watt per channel (rated, but most Marantz 22XX series units usually have a bit more) receiver from the mid 70s. Like all of the 22Xx series units, it is a very well built and engineered receiver that will sound great. And it looks like it as a few lights out but looks to be in excellent condition.
marantz 2240 | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums. Home Forums > AudioKarma Audio Marketplace > Dollars and Sense > marantz 2240. Discussion in 'Dollars and Sense' started by gkarelitsky, Mar 10, 2007. gkarelitsky AK Subscriber Subscriber. Messages: 1,355 Location: Ridgewood, NJ. Can someone suggest a fair price? There is one nearby that is ...
MARANTZ 2240B | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
My Marantz vs my Pioneer | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo ...
Also liked the 2230 a lot and the 2240 as well, but there is a pretty big sound difference between the 2230 and 2240. 2240 is NOT cap coupled to the speakers (IIRC) where the 2230 is. I'm running ADS L910 or Dahlquist DQ-10 which lean toward the laid-back sound- the 2230 was just a little too smooth with those speakers.
Best vintage Marantz receivers? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
The pre-1978 Marantz models are the most desireable. Saul Marantz had sold his company back in the late 60's to Superscope. Superscope was a very benign owner and did not look to muck around with Marantz' original designs. In 1980, Superscope sold Marantz to Phillips and things were never quite the same afterwards.
Legendary Audio Classics: Marantz Tips and Tricks
Marantz 2245 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
The 2245 is considered one of Marantz better sounding receivers. I own one and can say it does sound very good indeed. I have it playing through JBL-L40's and mostly listen to heavy rock on it. If you would like more opinions, check out audiokarma.org and do a search, you will find that the 2245 is highly praised there. Get it.
Help with Marantz 2240 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
You might also check out the Marantz forum over at audiokarma. I bet a search on "2240" would turn up quite a few posts. I bet a search on "2240" would turn up quite a few posts. And folks there are usually very helpful and enthusiastic about vintage gear.
Best vintage Marantz receiver? | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2240 2245 Model 16 Power amp 3300 Pre-amp I currently own: 2265b 1060 Integrated Amp sr-4320 The 2270, mfg in 1971, had a more 'warm-1970's' sound, and was significantly different than the 2265b, mfg in 1978. The 2265b is somewhat more bright in a great way. I love both. The 2275 was similar to the 2265b. The 2240 and 2245 were almost identical ...
Marantz 2240 for sale | eBay
Marantz 2240B receiver LED bulb lamp light set. $34.95. Free shipping. Vintage Marantz 2240 AM/FM Stereo Receiver. Serviced - Excellent! $1,000.36. $66.67 shipping. or …
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