We have collected the most relevant information on Mass Effect 2 Audio Lag Ps3. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Mass Effect Trilogy on Xbox 360 or PS3? Which version is ...
Any PS3 users frustrated with the audio synch issue ...
Any PS3 users frustrated with the audio synch issue? I have completed the game but I found this issue nearly game breaking. Audio for cutscenes is a good 2 seconds behind what it should be. Tried to replay the game and Freedom's Progress where the quarians fight the mech turned me right off as I remembered the many instances where this happens.
PS3 - Laggy/glitchy/crackling/choppy audio during logo ...
Here are a few examples: - Ducktales Remastered: The Capcom logo sound is completely glitching out. - Mass Effect: the Bioware animation audio has a crackling sound. - Mass Effect 2: in addition to the Bioware crackling the EA animation seems to lag a little bit.
Solved: lag/stuttering mass effect 2 - Answer HQ
Original Post. Hi, I am having a problem with mass effect 2 where whenever I start playing the game it begins lagging and stutter-steping. I know my system is able to run mass effect 2 seeing as I was able to play it for around 10 hours through origin with absolutely no problems but now it will not work. I am also able to play mass effect 3 and ...
PS3 Audio Sync Issues (ME2) : masseffect
It seemed like the sync issues only affected about half of players originally (and it may have been related to whether or not players were using the newest, slim PS3). 1. Continue this thread. level 1. Mr_Xerox. 6 years ago. I noticed this in my copy of the trilogy version. It's certainly not a dealbreaker for me, but definitely noticeable. 2.
Audio in cutscenes out of synch--just me? - Mass Effect 2 ...
Only in a couple of busy cutscenes have I noticed this where the audio will lag behind, but nothing worse then that. It's not a big deal. That and sometimes the audio cuts out at the end of a line of dialog from time to time. Other then that the game runs perfect. These issues will hopefully be addressed in Mass Effect 3.
Is there a way to fix the audio from going out of sync ...
For Mass Effect 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a way to fix the audio from going out of sync?".
The dialogue audio cut offs are ruining this game. - Mass ...
Boards. Mass Effect 2. The dialogue audio cut offs are ruining this game. User Info: Klop_Job. Klop_Job 10 years ago #1. When this game was released in January this year, I completed the game twice with no issues (except for the out of sync audio in some cinematics, which BioWare still hasn't fixed). I've recently started it for the third time ...
Solved: PS3 Mass Effect competely freezes @ end of game ...
I just got to the end of Mass Effect 1 for PS3, purchased as part of the trilogy box. After the battle with Saren, my game completely freezes just as Shepard steps from the wreckage, and the next cut scene will not load, as the PS3 becomes completely locked up with a black screen.
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